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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Governors Announce Bold Initiative To Put 3.3 Million Zero-Emission Vehicles On The Road By 2025

ANNAPOLIS -- Governor O’Malley and governors from seven other states announced a groundbreaking initiative to put 3.3 million zero-emission vehicles on the roads in their states within a dozen years.

These governors have joined forces to revolutionize the automobile market by promoting zero-emission vehicles. The use of these clean vehicles will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality and public health, enhance energy diversity, save consumers money, and promote economic growth.

"We are excited to be collaborating with other states to ensure the success of our zero-emission vehicle programs. This effort complements work already underway through the Transportation Climate Initiative, in which Maryland and other East Coast states are working to develop a robust charging station network along the I-95 corridor that will permit long-distance travel in electric cars throughout the region. The transition to these advanced technology vehicles will support our efforts to achieve our air quality and climate change goals, and will enhance energy security by reducing our dependence on foreign oil,” said Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley. “This is a critical part of our efforts to achieve Maryland’s long-term 2050 goal to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions 90 percent from 2006 levels.”

Zero-emission vehicles include battery-electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid-electric vehicles, and hydrogen fuel-cell-electric vehicles. These technologies can be used in passenger cars, trucks and transit buses.


  1. I don't think they will be Governors in 2025 so what's the big deal.

  2. maybe governor fartin o'smelly can invent a car that runs on BULLSHEET, because he and the liberal slime gang in annapolis certainly do supply us with plenty of that!

  3. That's not gonna happen. Electric trucks won't last cause they won't be able to haul any weight. What a joke from O'dipshit. Just like the rain tax, 2010 fertilizer law, common core, and his job numbers. What an idiot, These electric trucks will be to damn expensive to own and operate.

  4. To date, there is no such thing as a zero emission vehicle, except the ones that are parked in the driveway. Charging an electric vehicle just makes more smoke over at the local power plant.

    I'd say get the other Governors' names and make sure their political careers end at the next election.

  5. They are SO stupid. The "greenhouse" gasses emmited when they build these cars and make the batteries create are MORE than a regular car produced for pretty much the life of the vehicle. And exactly where do they think electricity comes from anyway? Mostly coal and gas! DUH. The the amount of the taxpayer subsidy on these piece of crap cars is obscene.


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