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Sunday, October 06, 2013

Government Shutdown Would Hurt Workers, Md. Economy

WASHINGTON — A possible government shutdown starting Tuesday would cause federal agencies in Maryland to close or seriously cut back operations, resulting in significant hardship for federal workers, as well as declining economic output and lower tax revenue for the state.

A shutdown is possible because House Republicans have tied government funding in the new fiscal year to delaying or defunding the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare.

“I was furloughed two days this summer,” said Pentagon police officer and Maryland resident Robert Voss. “I can’t afford to lose two more weeks of work. I’m a single father. Two weeks is a long time to go without a paycheck.”



  1. awh; poor babies. most people have lost their jobs or been reduced to part-time and you're worried about furloughs.

    we need this shut down. I hope we shut down for a loooooonnnnnggggg. time. this out of control government has spent us into oblivion and still they're not slowing down. oscare will put the final nail in our coffin and you don't even give a rip.

    shut everything down and send them packing without income, perks and benefits. we'll bring you back as we see fit. we the people.

    I know this will never happen; but I can only dream...

  2. how about all the hardworking folks who are being destroyed by the federal government. obamacare is destroying full time jobs. sorry no pity here. shut it down

  3. We are all experiencing hardships. That's why redistribution of wealth never works and why we should strive for CREATING wealth instead.

    Someday our leaders will learn.

  4. Feel that pain! obamacare is doing exactly the same thing to other people like the people who just lost their jobs at PRMC and a ton of others in health facilities nationwide and those whose hours have been cut. Suck it up and deal with it. Maybe then the federal workers will realize what a failure Obama is.

  5. No free ride Federal workers. You voted for the brown clown and got what you deserve.

  6. Md tied to the sinking obama ship .....omally is the worst gov this state ever hsd

  7. My furlough has lasted 5 years, so ask me how two weeks without a paycheck feels.

  8. Obama was just on TV blabbing. Didn't dare take any questions. What a coward!
    I really hate him.

  9. For the most part the federal workers are so dumb they will blame the GOP instead of their boss. The GOP is only out to protect those who due to obamacare have lost their jobs and/or have had hours cut.
    Those people would be happy with just being furloughed.
    The fed workers do need to suck it up and deal with it and shame on them and to hell with them if they think it's the GOP's fault.

  10. Government workers sure whine a lot. How about the MILLIONS who don't have a job and haven't had a check in YEARS? And we are supposed to feel sorry for them? HA! The government is way too big to start with. Shut it down and keep those agencies we don't need or want shut down permanently.

  11. Keep it shut down, and turn it over to private business'. These leaches don't have a clue how a real business is ran.

  12. It has already been reported that those workers at home today will get back pay when the gov resumes. People in the real world, living without wages either short term or long term are facts of making a real living. If you are a fed worker at home, why not go look for a job?

  13. Only problem with shutting it down is what about those living on Social Security (Seniors & Disabled)?


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