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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

GOP Congressmen: Republican Senators Need 'Backbone'

Two GOP House members took aim at Senate Republicans Monday for what they see as lax efforts to negotiate with Democrats over the debt ceiling and government shutdown.

"The Senate Republicans, with all due respect, are only relevant I would argue because we have a House majority," Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Ill., told Fox News Channel's "On the Record."

The only reason President Barack Obama called off negotiations with the House leadership, he said, was because he thinks he can get a better deal from the Senate.

Schock repeated his call for Senate Republicans to "grow a backbone." They should join House Republicans and not sell out on anything short of a deal that takes care of long-term spending, he said.

House members have long held a view that Senators are snobs, with Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., often joking about it.



  1. If they only had a brain.

  2. When Pat Robertson says Republicans are too extreme what does that tell you?

  3. 2:21 He's a fraud anyway, who cares what he thinks?

  4. This is very sad we need repubs that have the ball to stand up to Barry and shut down everything -Vote TEA PARTY

    1. Tea Party is the only party. It needs to be formed as one entity and stand alone, because Republicans are the same as Democrats, only they give our tax money and tax shelters to the wealthy. ALL of that needs to stop, just like welfare needs to stop for the healthy people that milk it dry today. Then, businesses that sell to Americans need to be forced by law, to produce their goods, here in the United States with American workers making those goods. Tax the h*** out of any and all imports, especially the low cost labor/price fixed chinese goods/walmart. It's all junk/trash anyway. Then forget that global economy nonsense forced down our throats. Make the cry of the day, America and American workers only, until we have excess production, then export. Then take back the now liberal airwaves, both tv and radio and promote a nation of decency with God as it's center and a nation of pride will return. The petroleum products under the ground in this country belong to the people, not to any government nor any company. The collusion between oil companies/the price fixing that we experience every day, will never stop until the executives and board members are jailed. Put them in prison and/or take back our oil and gas reserves and produce what we need for day to day survival as a country ourselves. The legal system needs an extreme rewrite. It barely works because limp wristed Liberals have turned it into a joke. Strong, harsh punishments for severe crimes with death sentences carried out almost immediately. End the appeals process. This would be a fresh start and the Obamas, Reids, Pelosi's and McCains would not be in charge of policy making, the working class would rule this great nation again.

  5. The war is over 3:30, the South lost.

  6. John McCain had his spine removed while he was a POW

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    2:21 He's a fraud anyway, who cares what he thinks?

    October 16, 2013 at 2:38 PM

    How is he a fraud? Just because you say so or have you had a revelation? Who cares what he thinks? Oh, I guess the few million that tune in each week.

    How many people listen to you?


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