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Sunday, October 06, 2013

Former City Of Fruitland Employee Sentenced

Was justice served in this case?  The above court records state George Calloway will get 2 years supervised probation, 1 years in jail which was suspended and have to pay $2,500 in restitution. Click HERE for the original post by SBYNews.


  1. Wouldn't your question depend on the evidence? Does that matter?

  2. The King apparently intervened.

  3. wow...he got off easy..a damn shame.

  4. Not an unusual circumstance. Honor and integrity flourish In a society that places a great value on it. When the President of the U.S. shows none, the country as a whole follows his lead and this is a result. The weak of character fall in line and honor and integrity are no longer of any value. Justice was served: he will no longer be placed in a position of trust, and will be supported by welfare instead of our prison system.

  5. Jail time shouldn't have been suspended. Would be thieves who are contemplating stealing others money may think twice if jail is a real possibility. So far we have seen this over and over with the jail time suspended. No wonder it becoming so common around here. The question is what was recommended by the states attorney? Did they argue against suspension of sentence? I hope so otherwise they are doing an injustice to all tax payers and business owners who have or may experienced this.

  6. I am appauled at the judges who allow people like this and Crystal Godwin who can embezzle and steel from honest folks and get NOTHING. What is a sentence with it all suspended? What a joke the judges are! What these thieves need is a good jail term that they serve and then maybe it would deter them as well as others before they do it again.

  7. Doesn't really look like he got any type of punishment. I read that he stole over 8k of stuff and only has to pay $2,500 back to the city. If this is the punishment it is not much of a deterrent for the next criminal.

  8. 8:36 Be careful mentioning the King! He will reply in dissertation Form! And sometimes use his name when it suites!

  9. Who is the king???

  10. Pittsville residents should make note of this crime, is the same thing going on here?

  11. Sounds like a slap on the wrist for such a charge.

  12. This situation was handled well by the council, they met 5 times at lunch in a closed session! You know the old " Personnel Issue" trick so the public cannot be involved although it was the publics money!

  13. Consider carefully a government that teaches it's subjects by example the fine art of theft and then punishes those very subjects for doing that which they have been taught.

  14. Ease up, people! Stealing from the government is no longer a crime! Politicians do it every day.

  15. OK people quit your complaining and attend the Tuesday council meeting that cry about no body attends! Get involved or shut up and always use your name so the King will be happy and will not lecture us on how stupid we are and how he is the only one who volunteers his time to better the community why we all need to get a life! Then some others will defend him and the anon posts are ridiculed!!

  16. So if he stole $8000.00 has to pay back $2500.00. He has a profit of 5500.00. I thought you said Crime don't Pay?

  17. I can't help but take notice that someone keeps commenting the same stuff over and over about Fruitland. If you ask me, they seem quite obsessed and I wonder if they have some sort of mental or fatal attraction issue. Whoever you are, take note that nobody is buying into your nutty and annoying comments.

  18. 8:44 Didnt suite!

  19. 6:37 Just figured it out that's FUNNY!!

  20. Suite.....haha.....like a hotel one! Typical.

  21. After a phone call, it seems that he had to pay back what wasn't recovered. What a dumba$&. Good job and threw it away.

  22. 12:19 Man I am proud of you I knew you couldn't resist! Oh yea and its lunch time too! When I grow up I might be as smart as you and then I can be the King! Who is the idiot!!!! HaHa

    1. Whoever you are, you seriously need help. Whoever has got your panties in a wad has you obsessed. It is obvious you are even responding to your own comments. Do us all a favor and pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow. That would be "SUITE" bwaaahhaaaaaa.

  23. You are a nut. I am the one that made the comment at 12:19 and have no idea who you may think it was. Do they make medicine for people like you? You will have to go back to school for the "suite" thing. Rotflmao

  24. 1:36 As you said Typical! You never let us down!!! Lunch is over so it may be the Queen!

  25. 1:36 Which School would you like me to attend? Who is the NUT! Thin Skinned comes to mind! ha! Time for my medicine


    A collection of similar or related things, e.g. that can be used together or have some property or purpose in common

  26. 1:36 Which School would you like me to attend? Who is the NUT! Thin Skinned comes to mind! ha! Time for my medicine


    A collection of similar or related things, e.g. that can be used together or have some property or purpose in common

  27. Whatever happened to that drunk that used to work for Fruitland? I think it was code enforcement and he got canned. He must have lot's of time on his hands since he got the boot from Snow Hill too.

  28. 9:20 THANKS!! Look up the word Leader! At least you are not in your dissertation form but it is a few hours from lunch! Mr. Anon


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