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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dylan Ratigan Rages Over "The Extraction Of America" And The Bought-Off Congress


  1. Holy sh.t,,,,about time someone went off on Pmsnbc.

  2. This guy makes sense! He needs to carry it further, ALL lobbies should be outlawed and when senators or congressmen are found to be in bed with banks or business, they should be immediately put in jail and removed from office. Most of them that were elected to represent Americans are as crooked as snakes and represent everyone other than Americans

  3. He's saying what I've told you for years. It doesn't matter -- Republican or Democrat -- they are ALL lying and stealing at full throttle. And they KNOW what they are doing, but the "good cop/bad cop" routine they play on us keeps most Americans wrapped up in how good "their guy" is....This is no longer a republic. Its a corporatacracy. A kingdom ruled by the connected and wealthy. Our "representatives" are bought and paid for and their snaky tentacles are so far and deeply entrenched they cannot be voted out, or rectified by "procedure". They must be killed just as Thomas Jefferson said would be NECESSARY. If he was alive today and survived his initial heart attack, he would have started the Second American Revolution.


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