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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Doctors In Congress: Obamacare Worse Than You Think

Predict 'the whole thing will implode' because system 'can't work'

At least 12 doctors in Congress have expressed serious concerns about Obamacare, and now President Obama admitted the recently unveiled online health insurance exchanges have been a technological headache and that he’s “frustrated” by them.

Obama also insists once those problems are fixed people will discover that the exchanges offer wonderful health plans at affordable prices, but a prominent congressman says the facts are not on the president’s side.

“They’re still trying to sell a program that the American people know won’t work,” said Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., a former physician who authored a free-market version of health-care reform that is still awaiting House consideration. “And it won’t work because the same things that are wrong with the website, that is the challenge of getting into it and having it work are the same things that are going to be wrong throughout the entire health-care system when Washington is running it.”



  1. Not worse than I think.

  2. Designed to fail.
    Obamacare is intentionally a failed law not just a failed website.
    It is gutting the American healthcare industry 1/6th of our economy, it is "inadvertently" underpaying Doctors, pharmacies, hospitals, medical product companies and more deliberately to put the private sector out of business so big government can waltz in and "save" everyone.
    It is also going to bankrupt the middle class with exorbitant premiums and extremely high deductibles which, if you refuse to pay, the IRS will step in and steal it from you however they can with wage garnishments, liens and seizures.
    Obama is holding America hostage with this law. It's a shame too many people are blind to these facts thinking Obama and progressive Democrats are on their side.
    They are not. They are for a totalitarian one party system. Communism. Nothing more. This is a means to that end.

  3. Well, add 10,000 government administrative employees to an existing machine, and you will see a rate increase. Does anyone think that this will not increase costs?

    Please respond....

  4. 16,000 6:09 and that is the IRS alone.
    Not to mention HHS.


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