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Thursday, October 24, 2013


President Barack Obama’s rhetoric toward conservative nonprofits inspired the Internal Revenue Service to target Tea Party groups, a broad lawsuit against the IRS alleges.

“The president of the United States gave the IRS a road map to investigate the tea party in the United States,” David French, senior counsel to the conservative American Center for Law and Justice told TheBlaze.



  1. OATH KEEPER MEMBER...October 24, 2013 at 5:06 PM

    Obama has to be IMPEACHED NOW...

  2. For what 5:06? You idiots are so quick to demand the impeachment of this President but you never say anything that hold water or follows the Constitution as to the why? What is the charge?

  3. 5:23
    Uh, blatant disregard of the Constitution. Illegal executive orders. Utilizing Government agencies to inhibit lawful conduct, Fast and Furious, Benghazi. Voter Fraud. Fraud in general. Obamacare, a tax law that was not generated in the House.
    Foreign student aide at Occidental.
    The list goes on.

  4. For what 5:06? You idiots are so quick to demand the impeachment of this President but you never say anything that hold water or follows the Constitution as to the why? What is the charge?

    October 24, 2013 at 5:23 PM

    Oh come the hell on. You live under a rock or just get released from prison?

    Articles of impeachment have been filed SEVERAL times, some as far back as 2009 and most recently in 2013.

    Everyone has an opinion, it's just that a lot don't have an INFORMED opinion.

    Step away from the demoncratic kkkool aid and read something. If you can't read, watch youtube. If you're deaf, move to D.C. They can't hear us either.

  5. 5:23 PM

    You have the audacity to call someone an idiot and you are not even informed on current events or any of the impeachable offenses your saviour has committed and continues to commit?

    Do everyone a favor and read a book, do some research, anything, but stop talking. People like you make others think we are all as dumb as you.

    Just unplug the computer and go to the library. You can't miss it. It's the building with all the books inside.

  6. It's a no win situation for the liar in chief. Either he drew a "roadmap" or he's completely incompetent. Most likely both come into play. Every time he gets caught he claims to know not a thing about it. He's the executive in charge and a good executive knows everything that goes on in every department. This is not a gray area.
    Anyone who believes anything he says is either to stupid or in complete denial.
    The jerk even is failing on his "signature" healthcare law-LOL.


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