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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Delaware Celebrates: First Person Finally Enrolls In Obamacare

Delaware has finally signed up someone for Obamacare. This has caused officials in that state to celebrate, according to the Associated Press.

"Delaware officials are celebrating the state's first health insurance exchange enrollee," the AP writes.

"Department of Health and Social Service officials have declared 59-year-old Janice Baker of Selbyville the first confirmed resident to enroll in the marketplace. It opened Oct. 1 as part of the roll-out of the Affordable Care Act.

Baker said Tuesday that she started looking on Oct. 1 and, like many people, made several frustrated attempts to signup online and spent hours on the phone. But Baker says she had success once she cleared the browsing history, cookies and other temporary data on her computer.

"Secretary Rita Landgraf says there have been glitches in the sign-up process over the past two weeks, but upgrades to the system and troubleshooting suggestions should help."



  1. One person in 17 days is remarkable. At this rate, most Americans will be signed up by 2065. We all knew how successful this law was going to be. This law will fail on it's own.

  2. Anyone who signs up for this now with all the "glitches" is looking for trouble. You are setting yourself up to be a guinea pig for something that is substandard at this point in time.

  3. That lady will celebrate when she finds a doctor who will treat her for an illness.

  4. The real celebrations are occurring in Eastern Europe. This whole thing is a hackers dream. I'll listen to a brilliant man like John McAfee before I'll ever listen to anyone involved with the ACA. They have already proven their complete and utter incompetence.
    Sorry to offend but at this point in time only a half wit would sign up for this with all the troubles it's been experiencing.

  5. she has just signed her life away. she can now expect no privacy. congress, corporations, unions, select individuals with connections, they all received waivers.

    IF it is such a good thing, why are people trying to opt out of it, including the ones who wrote it and voted for it?

    why would anyone need a law to FORCE people to buy it, when they don't want it, can't afford it and is not what they were promised?

    why does the ACA contain other laws and stipulations that are not related to health care?

    why did it have to be rewritten to be ruled constitutional? why are we being forced, FORCED, to have this?

    why do people sit on their collective butts complaining but do not speak up, show support for the ones who are trying to change it?

    why can't they see this is a bad thing?

  6. Its hilarious!!! State officials CELEBRATE because ONE person finally got enrolled?! One person and they celebrate? Jay Leno is going to have a field day...

  7. She will be the first one to have her life savings and retirement exported out of her bank accounts. Watch.

  8. Good luck sticking with your doctors. Mine do not accept it, so I would have to pay cash there.


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