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Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Cuccinelli: PPP Cooked The Numbers In Va. Governor's Poll

Public Policy Polling manipulated its numbers to skew results in its newest poll on the Virginia governor's race, state Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli said.

Republican Cuccinelli is in a hotly contested campaign against Democrat Terry McAuliffe, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

The Politico poll — conducted by the liberal-leaning Public Policy Polling and Republican company Harper Polling — shows McAuliffe opening a 9-point lead over Cuccinelli in the country's only competitive governor's race.

Cuccinelli's campaign immediately blasted the survey.

"We reject the findings within this poll," spokesman Richard Cullen said in a statement. "One of the polling outfits that conducted this survey has been exposed by a number of neutral news outlets for withholding poll numbers that were unhelpful to its Democratic friends.”



  1. the people in Virginia are too smart to vote for a Democrat .

  2. 2:06 Is that why Obama won Virginia?

  3. @2:06 If only that was true. Polls can be cooked for anybody or anything. I pay no attention to anything said in a poll.


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