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Sunday, October 13, 2013

County Executive Pollitt Selects Bosserman Center To Facilitate Land Use Discussion

Because the County has published, (on line) a letter/release that cannot be copied, we felt this matter important enough to link you directly to the message HERE.


  1. When they say land use they mean how many more rights they can take from the property owners.

  2. Remember,ALL lawmakers are looking out for themselves to keep their easy jobs,the perks and donations they get,not the working citizens.

  3. This is a very important meeting for all land owners in Wicomico County. All should show up and watch the process of the state and county taking your property values away.

  4. Um, am I missing something here? Pollit and the mediators will be there in discussion with...nobody? I mean, since the "Public" is only allowed to "observe"?

  5. From the civic center to a much smaller place? Hmmmm. Sounds like a "public" meeting that will shut out most of the public.

  6. No, the flunkies from Confict Resolution will be there. Only a few from this county though.

  7. 5:06pm read it again. It is being held in the Midway Room at the Civic Center. Duh!

  8. I am sure that this will be a stacked deck against the landowners of Wicomico County.Ricky and his tree hugging buddies will try to bully the council into downzoning as they did six years ago. Call your Council members and tell them tell Pollitt to get lost and save your propery values. Wicomico County Council Office 410 548 4696

  9. Anybody know who is on the panel?

  10. I think using mediators to hold a discussion is putting the cart in front of the horse...these folks are trained to help resolve disputes that might otherwise end up in court. Or maybe Pollitt knows there will be a large dispute over this and wants to keep the discussion civil...either way it goes a little past what the Center usually does. Hard for them to remain neutral in a situation like this. And it does sound like there will be no public input at the discussion. Nice.

  11. Why is Pollitt using SU Conflict Resolution? He isn't leader enough to discuss this as a statesman? How much is THAT costing?

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Um, am I missing something here? Pollit and the mediators will be there in discussion with...nobody? I mean, since the "Public" is only allowed to "observe"?

    October 10, 2013 at 4:46 PM

    Anyone? Who is the "opposition"? Please.

  13. Nuttin' to worry about serfs.

    Slick Ricky will see that your piece of ground gets the same careful treatment that stately Pollitt manor ends up with.

    Move along.

  14. This is another scam by Ricky P (O'Malley's point man in Wicomico County) with lots of state bureaucrats -- led by Richard Hall, formerly from here -- who care nothing for property rights.


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