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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Cops Are Creating Totally Bogus Facebook Profiles Just So They Can Arrest People

It's no secret cops use social media to monitor the public, but it might surprise you that they create fake Facebook profiles to nab criminals — in direct violation of the website's terms of service.The Justice Department published a social media guide for law enforcement officials this year that explicitly says officers create fake profiles even though Facebook officially bans the practice.

“I was looking for a suspect related to drug charges for over a month. When I looked him up on Facebook and requested him as a friend from a fictitious profile, he accepted," one officer responded in an open-ended survey question in the DOJ's guide. "He kept ‘checking in’ everywhere he went, so I was able to track him down very easily."

This officer isn't alone. More than 80% of the responding officials said social media was a valuable tool for crime-fighting and that "creating personas or profiles on social media outlets for use in law enforcement activities is ethical."



  1. I already know that... And they use women photos to trick horn dog guys into it...

  2. But to add, that should be entrapment...

  3. By accepting the friend request, the crook assented to the officer's collection of information...his stupidity.

    The fact that the officer created a fake profile should cause the case to be thrown out....based on some entrapment clause....

    Although Facebook has a policy preventing this type of use, it would take significant resources to detect and monitor these violations.

  4. entrapment, so many clueless people have no idea what it actually means. Excellent resource to nab criminals, especially when the turds brag about their crimes on FB.

  5. That's why you don't add people you don't know.

  6. It its only entrapment if the cop initiated an illegal activity... If the cop tells the guy or girl to rob a store, beat someone up... Etc... Then arrests them for it. Its quite simple don't add friends who aren't your friends... Most criminals are obviously not very bright...

  7. Definitely not entrapment. Check out the true definition

  8. LOL! EVERYTHING the police do, according to every DA and judge in the country, is "ethical", legal, honorable, and based on a high standard of .... wait for it....integrity.

  9. Girlfriends, boyfriends, and spouses, use this method as well to check for the others potential to cheat. It's a great tool to see who or what you're dealing with. It's pretty slick. They usually have one or two mutual friends in an attempt to bait you.

  10. It's really no different then undercover work. Don't have a Facebook page if you're gonna do dirt! "Bad boys move in silence". Didn't Biggie tell you that?

  11. October 23, 2013 at 10:28 AM

    At least undercover get their hands dirty. You guys just look at little girls pictures and try to hook up with them. Perverts.

  12. So 10:27, just how do they get their hands dirty? Hmmmm.

  13. 10:32 PM

    By shaking the hands of other cops.


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