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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Citizen Lawn Mower At Lincoln Memorial: Shutdown Or Not, Areas Shouldn’t Be Neglected

Chris Cox says he bought the leaf blower at Home Depot for $200. He got the used lawn mower at a thrift store for 100 bucks. The heavy metal handcart with the squeaky wheels is his.

Cox, 45, a chain-saw sculptor from Mount Pleasant, S.C., grabbed the attention ofshutdown-weary Washington on Wednesday when he showed up with all his gear and was reportedly spotted mowing the lawn at the Lincoln Memorial.

He said the police chased him away, but it was too late. He said he had already been tidying up around the memorial and the Reflecting Pool for the past few days, because nobody else is. 



  1. Revelation!
    This is no longer about Democrats and republicans.

    It is about Americans versus the Marxist Spitehouse and the totalitarian Chicago thugery that occupies it.

  2. This is what a real American is.


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