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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

China Calls For De Americanized World


  1. Thanks Obama... Moron.

  2. I'm making a call with an American world of sovereignty FREE of ALL Communist Chinese import goods as well the STOPPAGE of ALL American produced exports to the Communist Country of China (the future Germany/Hitler machine that we will have to deal with/The Sleeping Dog). STOP the American Food Train that we export to them every day, they'll starve to death within short order. When you have an over run of rats, you don't try to kill each one, you poison them or take away their food source.

  3. 3:23, China holds the majority of U.S. debt. They are well positioned to take over this country. It's not the Chinese you should be mad at for that.

    1. Debt is an IOU. Have you ever tried to get blood out of a stone, from thousands of miles away. As any black man can tell you, "we'll pay you satday", or sunday, or munday....... We'll send them a box of Jimmy Carter home grown peanuts and a bill that says they owe us a kazillon ka-chink-o's. Debt paid! If our economy stops, so does theirs, and many others. The greedy will look after themselves, meaning their ill gotten gain will be able to be spent, well into the future. Greed and corruption, guarantees that.


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