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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Cavuto: Mr. President, We At Fox News Are Not The Problem


  1. Um, yes you are. All the media outlets (Fox, MSNBC, et al.) that simply provide a one-sided narrative intended to play on people's emotions all in the pursuit of ratings are ALL apart of the problem. Them and the dummies that continue to blindly follow every crap story line they hear.

  2. 1:28 you are somewhat right ,the Major problem is Obama he is a worthless leader and needs to be removed from office.

  3. What a liberal you are 1228PM You are just one of those that have fallen for this "liar and FAKE" president.
    You are the clueless one. I have a brain of my own and know right from wrong and what OBAMA is doing in WRONG!!!!!

  4. 1:28 Are you Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton?

  5. Thanks, Neil! Somebody had to say it out loud! Really true.

  6. Most MSM are in bed with Obama. It's a shame and they should be embarrassed. Fox is the only source of reliable news.

  7. 217 atleast get the time right then we might take your commentary seriously.

  8. October 26, 2013 at 1:28 PM

    do you even watch the news? Fox has been the only one NOT catering to obammy and his admin. why do you think obammy hates Fox so much?

    The other media outlets are finally and slowly getting on board with Fox and not being the lapdogs they have been.

    It sounds like you have listened to the hype and believed what they have been saying about Fox, and I bet you don't even watch it to decide for yourself.

    But that's ok. Stay where you are, we don't want someone so easily fooled. Don't worry, you have plenty of company.

  9. Correction from my earlier comment....

    Time should read 128PM in response to 1102PM comment.


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