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Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Tea Party groups and big-business interests will ratchet up the civil war for the heart and soul of the Republican Party during the 2014 elections.

Fed up with conservatives who do not want comprehensive immigration reform and more government expansion, business groups like the Chamber of Commerce will seek to oust conservative lawmakers in Congress.

“We are going to get engaged,” Scott Reed, a senior political strategist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, told Bloomberg News. “The need is now more than ever to elect people who understand the free market and not silliness.”



  1. The tea party is dead. It was taken over by wingnuts.

  2. The big money in the Republican party is going to go against the tea party types and to sensible Republicans.

  3. tea party is alive and well and is making a great difference in the "conversation" and workings of our government. this is the common sense party; the party of "back to basics" and beginnings.

    wingnuts; not hardly. remember it's better to be far right than far wrong.

    the dems were taken over by idiots, low info, uneducated, progressives, Marxists and communists many years ago. government is now broke and soon to go under because of the minions we (the working taxpayers) are supporting. this can't go on forever. what the government gives they can take away at any time.

    this past week Obama "tested" the system to see what would happen if the freebies were stopped or taken away. hmmmmm. not good. anger, riots and more. this is what our future will be and Obama and company knows this.

    truth - what a concept...

  4. They are all horrible. Do away with all parties, and allow anyone to run on their own merit. No lobbyist, no BS.

  5. They are backing the old guard because they are the ones who can still be bought.

  6. some of you forget what the tea party is all about. it got started BECAUSE of DC. high taxes, corruption, not listening to the american people. the people elected tea partiers because they were fed up with what they had in dc. the elected tea party members went to work doing what they said they would do if they got elected.

    the establishment in dc don't like this. it makes them look bad and lose power. they fight back by slurring the tea party and all associates.

    unfortunately, some of the same low information voters that put obammy in offcie TWICE fell for it and joined in the attack of the tea party.

    they have no idea why, only because some pol in dc told them too hate the tea party. the tea party is KKK and other such nonsense.

    I only wish when we get rid of the old guard and some demoncrats, we could get rid of these voters as well. or at the very least, educate them.

    they know not of which they speak.....and vote.


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