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Monday, October 21, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: 2 Dead In Nevada Middle School Shooting

Two people are dead and two boys are in critical condition after a shooting at Sparks Middle School in Sparks, Nev., authorities say.

From Fox News


  1. I wish the american people were as relentless as these dumb mofo's running the govt who continue to pay people to go shoot someone in the name of gun control...

  2. It was an AR15 pistol this time for sure...

    Lose the right to own a weapon, lose the right to freedom and become Obama's slave

    Hale Obama, Hale Obama our savior.

  3. WHan will the people in this country have the guts to stop this madness and have a serious converasation about gun control? And no, the answer is not more guns, the answer is less. Our children are being slaughtered, stop the madness now. Ban all handguns and assualt weapons.

  4. 1:32 You are welcome to leave this country at any time. I hear mexico has great gun control laws.

  5. 1:32. Disarm the public and chaos will most certainly ensue. As tragic as this is the alternative is far worse I can assure you.

  6. Dear President Obama, if guns kill people, do pencils misspell words?
    I wait on bended knee for your response.

  7. 1:32 you are an idiot. Ban hand guns and pistols and all the shootings will stop. Drugs are illegal, yet you can buy just about any kind you want on any corner. If somebody wants to kill, they will find a way to do that. Go to Mexico or Canada or anywhere else but here you moron.

  8. 1:32 I agree (you) should never own a gun .

  9. I agree with the rest:

    If you ban ALL GUNS then yes gun violence will not exist, but that won't stop me or anyone else from killing you with a knife, a bat, a hammer, my fist, my car or any other inanimate object...

    When will you, poster 1:32 and the likes of you learn anything? Violence has always existed and death and killings and murder and manslaughter have been around as long as people were in existence...

    HOW CAN ALL OF YOU BE SO DUMB to the fact that, it is people who do bad things to other people and not the objects used?

    If guns can't do anything without the help of an actual living person then what does that tell you? yes people hurt people using different objects and means...

    I mean, the FBI released data that shows more people dying by blunt trauma to the head so should be ban hammers so we can't build homes?
    People beat other to death, should we go around cutting off everyones hands so they can't punch someone?

    People run others over with cars, shouldn't we all have to walk then so we can ban cars?

    Shouldn't we ban busses and trains and subways? people get hurt and killed on them to...

    Shouldn't we shut down every restaurant in the country because people sometimes eat out and choke to death on their food...

    SHouldn't we not drink anything to stay alive because people drink water and choke and die?

    So to poster 1:38PM; IF I were to run your dumb ass over with my car, shouldn't I get a parade and never go to jail since it is the fault of pohanka for selling me the car? or shouldn't it be toyota's fault for making the car in the first place?

    Thats how dumb you are... Spoons make people fat, misspelled words can be blamed on a pencil...

  10. Anonymous said...
    WHan will the people in this country have the guts to stop this madness and have a serious converasation about gun control? And no, the answer is not more guns, the answer is less. Our children are being slaughtered, stop the madness now. Ban all handguns and assualt weapons.

    October 21, 2013 at 1:32 PM

    Are you really that stupid? What a soft hearted liberal. You are a puss!! By the way your grammar sucks.

  11. 1:32 When the bombs were detonated in Boston you and the MSM blamed the terrorist. Nobody blamed the pressure cookers. You are just plan stupid!

  12. Anon at 1:32 PM
    Guns are banned in Russia. Check out their crime statistics.

    There are no gun stores in Africa. They kill white farmers with machetes.

    Are you getting the point?

  13. Sparks middle school is 67% Hispanics. If you google gangs in Reno there are reports on the rise of gang violence in the area.

  14. @ 1:32

    Ban all guns? Guns are already banned for criminals, yet they still use them to commit crimes...when was the last time you saw the headline "Law abiding citizen commits (fill in the blank) crime"....you don't, because law abiding citizens are not the ones breaking laws...yes, it is tragic that there has been another shooting, but I would imagine there is a mental illness involved with this shooting, as it seems with all these school shootings...why not start with that instead of guns?...are you going to personally go house to house and ask for people to turn their guns in? Come to my house and ask for my 9mm handgun, my 12 gauge shotgun, my .22 rifles and my newly acquired AR-15 type rifle (and no you dumba$$, AR does NOT stand for Assault Rifle you moron). By the way, I am a WOMAN who owns these guns, so I can defend my family as is my right by the Constitution of the United States. You don't like it? Tough. Move.

  15. The parents of the shooter should be prosecuted for not keeping the gun secure. Gun owners have responsibilities along with their rights.

  16. Cain killed his brother Able with a rock.


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