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Thursday, October 17, 2013


Progressive Massachusetts paper exhaustively puts the lie to Obama's post-partisan image.

Republicans have been complaining that, despite his constant stream of rhetoric pleading for bipartisanship, President Obama has been one of the biggest opponents of America's political parties actually working together. Finally, five years after he first took office, even the Boston Globe has expressed disappointment in Obama's empty rhetoric.

A long piece by Matt Viser of The Boston Globe explains how year-by-year and issue-by-issue how President Obama has called for bipartisanship but said “no” to fulfilling that call.

Viser's charge is summed up near the end of his piece: "While [Obama] talks about bipartisanship, he has done little to act it out."

Starting right at the beginning, Viser tells readers that as early as his first year in office, the President broke out his pleas for bipartisanship and his scolding of his opponents for being such obstructionists.

"In fact," Viser writes of Obama, "he wanted to begin meeting monthly with Republican and Democratic leaders to 'show the American people that we can do it together.'"



  1. He's failed at everything a President is supposed to do for his country.
    Every statement that comes out of his mouth ends up being the exact opposite,
    then he blames his opponents and accuses them of every wrong he has committed.
    He is a fraud, a cheat and a liar.
    History will prove this accurate.

  2. The real truth is he wants to totally destroy the two-party system in this country and re-name the democrate party some other name. The democrats have sold out the people they were elected to represent, and they have pandered to the president in order or in an attempt to keep their own piece of the pie in their wallets.

    After he fractures they parties, he will swoop in with total governmental control over everything and every aspect of peoples' lives.

  3. The key here is the "bi" in bi-partisan. Both sides are to blame for the current tone and the track record over the last 5 yrs.


  4. One cannot actually 'fail' at something one does not attempt.

    From the get-go OweBama was in the face, dismissive and openly contemptuous of anyone who did not hew to his views. Dissing the Supreme Court to their faces in the State of the Union, to Congressional leaders when he had specifically invited them to attend. The list stretches on and on.

    In three years he'll just be another bad golfer. And scrounging hard to find a foursome.

  5. 6:18 Its plain and simple and simple, Obama is a scumbag POS elected by parasites that do not know any better

  6. 6:18 That he can't find a game is the best news yet!


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