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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Big Brother Is Coming To Your Car

This is a topic that has been on my radar screen for a while, but one that very few Americans seem to be paying attention to despite the egregious revelations concerning NSA spying that have emerged recently. I first flagged this issue in late 2012 in an article titled: Coming to Your Car: Mandatory Black Boxes That Record Everything.

The latest push for tracking devices in cars is being sold as necessary in order to raise funds to pay for the nation’s decayed highway infrastructure. For example:
As America’s road planners struggle to find the cash to mend a crumbling highway system, many are beginning to see a solution in a little black box that fits neatly by the dashboard of your car.

This is simply idiotic. There is already a tax per gallon on gasoline, so people are already being taxed based on how much they drive. Only a control-freak, moronic government bureaucrat would come to the conclusion that the solution to this problem is to install Orwellian tracking devices in people’s cars.


1 comment:

  1. The HEIGHT of arrogance! Not only do they wish to track your every move, even down to how fast you drive, they want to CHARGE you for that. The sad part? Millions of sheep will cheer this too! Think of the money (about $25) you can save on car insurance!! If Jefferson was alive today, we would already be in the middle of the second American Revolution. Of course, Homeland Security would have already picked him up in a nightime raid and, the next day, denied everything.


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