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Wednesday, October 16, 2013


"Train wreck." "Fundamentally flawed." “Not ready for primetime.” This is the rollout of Obamacare.

Constant “glitches” keep people from logging into the exchanges. Humiliating live video of reporters normally favorable to Obamacare simply giving up in frustration because they cannot sign up. Consumers who are lucky enough to get through the system are stunned to learn that their premiums have skyrocketed by thousands of dollars. One Pennsylvania mother says that she can either pay her increased premiums or pay for her kids to eat, but she can’t do both.

Extremely personal information has already leaked from the system in Minnesota. Software security experts from McAfee predict millions of identity theft victims. And one of the healthcare exchanges was forced to acknowledge that information collected from patients will be shared with law enforcement.



  1. Go stand in the corner and cry me a river...

    I TOLD YOU, and TOLD YOU THIS WAS COMING and guess what you didn't listen and called me racist and everything else...

    NOW LOOK WHO WAS RIGHT, the racist...

    Oh and for those who can't afford it, I will see you in jail...

  2. the Republicans will save us. ROTFLMAO.

  3. Now some liberal pundits and even some democratic politicians are admitting now that obamacare's going to go down as the biggest failure/joke in history.
    While admitting it was a horrible idea they are blaming the Republicans though for not coming up with an alternative.

  4. 1:08
    But we had to pass this to find out what was in it. I guess they should have done their homework first before passing it.

  5. You stinking, low life, liberal, give away my money, dunbocrats who voted this stupid administration in.You will suffer for what you did and then, only then, will you realize how absolutely stupid you were in voting in a "fundamental change" for America.

  6. Bill should be limited to 10 pages. This gives law makers and their interns a better chance to research for not only the unintended consequences but loopholes and omissions such as the all important income verification left out of the ACA.
    This law has turned into such a fiasco that if you don't admit it's a failure then you are completely uninformed or have no credibility.
    As far as Pelosi and the "have to pass before we know what's in it" remark, she is the epitome of what democratic women have been reduced to which are slaves to men. She's just gross they way she has her head shoved so far up Obama's butt.

  7. If our rep "Babs" could get up his butt, she would. She hangs around him like a love sick puppy. Doesn't take much to please some women


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