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Monday, October 21, 2013

‘Best And Brightest’ Will Be Brought In To Fix Obamacare Website Bugs

The Obama administration said Sunday that it is calling in the “best and brightest” technicians to help fix the bug-laden federal website that has tarnished the rollout of the new health care law and galvanized the overhaul’s fiercest critics in Congress.

In a blog post, the Department of Health and Human Services struck a contrite tone after boasting that the site, which is supposed to help people in 36 states sign up for private coverage, has received 19 million unique visits since its debut on Oct. 1.

“Unfortunately, the experience on HealthCare.gov has been frustrating for many Americans,” the agency said. “Some have had trouble creating accounts and logging in to the site, while others have received confusing error messages, or had to wait for slow page loads or forms that failed to respond in a timely fashion. The initial consumer experience of HealthCare.gov has not lived up to the expectations of the American people. We are committed to doing better.”



  1. Maddening. I hope the company hired to develop the website in the first place has to pick up the tab.

  2. Yes there is a problem, and yes the problem is being fixed.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Yes there is a problem, and yes the problem is being fixed

    So they are getting rid of Obamacare? That is the only way to fix this problem!

  4. The "best and the brightest" have no desire to be any part of the Obama team and this has been the problem all along. He has to pick from the bottom of the barrel to fulfill positions.

  5. If you ever thought your personal information was unprotected, then you can be sure of it after this. Every new Hacker that these gov't losers are now hiring is going to be putting their own 'backdoor' into this new code. You should be more afraid of this new web site then you are of the one there now.

  6. If they have to bring people in to fix this mess, who is going to run it when/if it gets fixed?

    The same ones looking at your personal info?

  7. How much more money will it cost? And who is going to pay for this nightmare? Rhetorical questions...

  8. Why are they rhetorical questions?

  9. There have been several experts including Jon Mcafee who have said the site is a hackers dream. They've had 6 years to work on code....it will not be fixed anytime soon. It's just to lock you into the direct debit $95 penalty with all the data they collect. Going straight into the NSA database. I give it 4 years tops before your affordable healthcare premium will increase based on your diet from purchase data. You like ice cream and buy cigarettes? They will know everytime you swipe a debit card, or bonus card.


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