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Monday, October 21, 2013

Barack Obama, Angry Young Man

People reveal themselves. Anyone who speaks to others long enough eventually exposes aspects of their nature they don’t want on display.

You’ve probably, if you’ve read this blog regularly, found out something about me that you don’t really like. Perhaps something even I don’t like about myself.

Politicians reveal themselves too.

President Obama, beneath his controlled surface, has within him a profound reservoir of anger. It comes out in all kinds of ways, often in the contempt in which he holds others. I don’t know, perhaps I’d be angry too if I grew up in his circumstances. But angry he is.

Wednesday, during remarks in which he attested his eagerness to work with others, Obama inadvertently demonstrated why it never really happens. It’s because it’s really hard to work with people you detest.
And now that the government is reopened, and this threat to our economy is removed, all of us need to stop focusing on the lobbyists and the bloggers and the talking heads on radio and the professional activists who profit from conflict, and focus on what the majority of Americans sent us here to do, and that’s grow this economy . . .

First of all, DON’T LISTEN TO HIM!! Please do focus on the bloggers .



  1. Simple common sense please. When in your lifetime has a president ever told you what to do in your personal life, i.e. not listen to radio or TV; and instructed you to just listen to him? When? When I ask?

  2. Substitute Jim Ireton's name in that article. Still pretty much works.


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