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Tuesday, October 08, 2013

At Least 26,000 File For Unemployment In DC, Md.

Furloughed federal government workers have filed more than 10,000 claims for unemployment benefits in the District of Columbia as the government shutdown has persisted nearly a week.

D.C. Department of Employment Services spokeswoman Najla Haywood says the claims filed by Monday represent a major increase. Under the district's recent unemployment rate, the agency usually receives 600 unemployment claims per week.

In Maryland, more than 16,000 federal unemployment claims were filed by Sunday. That's about four times the number of claims from federal workers in an entire year. The first checks are being sent this week.



  1. Will they pay it back when they get their full back-pay or will it be considered just a bonus??

  2. 9:41 excellent question!

  3. no they will just continue to get the checks while they get back pay and go back to whatever they call a job

  4. If anyone who's filing for unemployment gets their full pay then the first check of back should have their unemployment check deducted along with all future paychecks until the MD Unemployment Ins. Fund gets all it's money back.

  5. I wish I could get double pay for no work.

  6. The sad thing about this is, disable veterans won't get their checks. The whole entire shutdown of the government is a SCAM.


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