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Monday, October 21, 2013

As College Student, Eric Holder Participated In ‘Armed’ Takeover Of Former Columbia University ROTC Office

As a freshman at Columbia University in 1970, future Attorney General Eric Holder participated in a five-day occupation of an abandoned Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) headquarters with a group of black students later described by the university’s Black Students’ Organization as “armed,” The Daily Caller has learned.

Department of Justice spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler has not responded to questions from The Daily Caller about whether Holder himself was armed — and if so, with what sort of weapon.

Holder was then among the leaders of the Student Afro-American Society (SAAS), which demanded that the former ROTC office be renamed the “Malcolm X Lounge.” The change, the group insisted, was to be made “in honor of a man who recognized the importance of territory as a basis for nationhood.”



  1. There ya go. That says it all folks!!!

  2. And why has the MEDIA (who can find gnat sh*t in a hay stack) just now coming around to put this out?

  3. I think what disappoints me the most about Holder and Obama was that by most accounts they were passionate about changing the way things are done in this country. Now they're all about maintaining the status quo. Hope and change baby.

  4. You do realize that the Great Ronald Reagan appointed him to a judge, right?

  5. And he hasn't aged a day with his photoshopped afro.The story may be true but the photo is current.

  6. Why was this traitor not Veted.

  7. Nothing worse for America than Black Power Communists.

  8. This is old news but nobody knows it because the media are in bed with the communists and muslims.


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