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Monday, October 21, 2013

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 10-21-13

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "EBT Card Users Threaten Rodney King-Style Riots":

Lmao i get food stamps, and dont care how anyone feels about it. Lets just say i will get what i can....876.00 isn't that bad. Think i will eat steak tonight how about you? Black people do it why can't I. Im a single mother of 4 and i am going to take what I can.


  1. Maybe you should buy some condoms too.

  2. and we want to know why we are where we are.

  3. She is definitely part of the problem and not the solution.

    Message for her: Hey lady, I hope you have a plan for when the money runs out. The makers are getting fed up with you takers.

    You will be cut off at some point.

  4. "Black people do it..." could have swore I've ran into quite a few EBT cards in the hands of white families during my strolls in Walmart's checkout line

  5. It's not about black people. It's about abusing the system, it said you're not smart enough to get that it's even sadder that your kids will probably repeat what they see you do.I like most don't have a problem with food stamps when they're used correctly. I pray that one day you shall I understand , I also pray for your children that they do not follow in your footsteps. You say tonight you she'll eat a steak, my family may not be that lucky, my family will have food on the table, they will have a roof over their head, they will have God in our lives, and they will have love in their hearts and that's all we really need .

  6. "...I will get what I can..."
    Interesting...how about replacing 'get' with 'EARN'?

  7. She is definitely a part of the problem. She expects the rest of us to take care of her and her four kids. You conceived them. You are responsible to raise them. I have kids of my own to raise and don't want to help raise yours needlessly. You are nothing but a thief.


  9. This is why we need to tie woman's tubes unless you can show you can support the children instead if breading more Obama babies.

  10. you keep believing those numbers about white and black. I was told years ago the way to break white people is to out number them and drain the system.

    I think whites are the new American Indian.

  11. who knows if this post is from a real person or not. i do know that when our first child was born she suffered unexpected health issues and i had to temporarily leave the work force. scared of how we would get by, my husband and i applied for food stamp assistance. we were told even with only 1 income we were inelligible. they offered to council us on our spending so that we could try to cope with the change to our income since they couldnt give us any other assistance. when asked what we spent on groceries per month we reported about 400.00 they told us that was too much and that if we cut back on our grocery purchases we could save money. well, they give more than that to food stamp recipients so what i always will wonder is why did i need to cut back on my grocery bill while people who do not work can spend twice as much per the government.

  12. I am so glad I made better choices in life than this person who due to her bad choices is nothing more than a slave.
    She makes it out to seem some are envious of her when the reality is she is someone (and her children) who people make fun of behind her back.

  13. 2:00 P.M...... well said, and I am in full agreement with you. Well said.

  14. 2:38 please tell me where you got your data. According to most recent census data there are 388 million Americans. Of this number 12.6% are black which gives you roughly 40 million blacks. 28% of blacks are on welfare which gives you roughly 13,720,000 blacks on welfare. There are roughly 49 million welfare recipients.......that equals 34% of blacks that are on welfare. Now 78% of Americas population is white which equals roughly 247 million people. Whites make up 59% of total welfare recipients. Which gives you roughly 29 million whites on welfare based on the 49 million total welfare recipients. Please support your comments with data so you don't seem like a buffoon

  15. welcome to Soviet of the USA - our Leader in Charge Barrack Obamation.

  16. Successful troll is successful!

  17. This is a teaching moment. My wife and I ware divorcing after many years of continually paying MORE taxes and will apply for food stamps. Washington CUT my unemployment benefit and Washington CUT my Social Security raise. Survival of the fittest!

  18. Spay and neuter! It's generational. I guarantee this "single mother of 4"s own parents (if she even knows who her father is) are losers. They had to be because no decent person would ever raise a child so proud to be nothing but a loser.
    Now she's spit out four more soon to be losers. Most likely 4 different losers sperm doners because she's too stupid to pick a man that can pay. She has absolutely Nothing with a capital N to offer her children except a life of poverty and holding out their hands for whatever bone the government throws at them.
    Nice-Not a pot to take a piss in and has 4 children.

  19. Ok 508...switch those numbers around. Because that's really the way it is in America ? GET THE POINT.

  20. 508
    Compared to your numbers of blacks and whites, black % is Way higher on welfare than whites ...zsi get ur Facts straight when u compare numbers.

  21. 9:01 you must be 2:38.... You missed the point that 59% of the welfare roll is to support whites. It's not about black or white, it's about the government dole leeches I pay for of any color. Corporate welfare blows the snap programs meager funding away! When the likes of GE pay NO TAX the last two years and JP Morgan Chase has 88 trillion in fraudulent derivatives and gets a slap on the wrist 13 billion dollar fine. While they keep us distracted and arguing about the common sheeple who are too ignorant to realize it's not free money and the millions who've lost their jobs to oversees slave labor in the form of china and India , who feel like their getting over, while the shareholders in our private "federal reserve" laugh all the way to their own banks.

  22. This sad excuse for a parent infuriates me. I am a single parent of 2 children. I work a full time job, have a home and decent car. Am I on a scary tight budget? Absolutely! But my kids are taught values and morals and to work for what they want. They are both on the honor roll and very well behaved. Being a single parent was not what alot of us envision but life tosses you lemons sometimes. All that into account, I am thankful for the little bit of help that I receive. It is a blessing on my budget and I stretch it out with coupons and home cooking. These junk buying leeches disgust me. Learn to cook and feed your children properly. A home cooked meal and a packed lunch are so much cheaper and healthier than the crap you are giving them on your EBT free for all!
    -Rant over...Thanks.

  23. 5:08 The Percentage of blacks compared to the percentage of whites on welfare are higher so WHO are you kidding, tell it to your Boy Obama.

    PS see you on the welfare line.

  24. 8:45 You are correct. Not only is she a piss poor example of a parent but a piss poor example of a human being.
    Decent people have to start putting this white trash in their place. It's starts by not letting your children befriend the spawn of these types. You have got to start looking down on these people,, humiliate them at every chance. Treating them on the lowest level you can is the best. Maybe when they realize good production people don't want to associate with them and make fun of them they will change. Nothing else has worked so it's worth a try.

  25. 9:09 I was merely pointing to real data if you read my comment. And I pay for this domestic and corporate nanny state since the age of 16. I am the anti Obama, his worst nightmare. An informed, awake, black man who will focus on liberty for the greatest experiment in government. The black community needs fathers. And the great expansion of welfare in the late 60's encouraged single parent homes in the black community. Cointelpro, CIA flooding the community with drugs in the early 70's on record, more black children aborted than born since Rowe v wade, the planned destruction of hip hop and it's ties to the private prison industry, and a good ole lack of morals and self respect.We need to face our self destruction and turn back to god in this country. And you may not realize it but the discrimination, gentrification, violence, and unbalanced persecution in the black community over the last 150 years was merely a beta test for what the global elite are doing right now in our country. They want us at each other's throats instead of focusing on the real crooks, the global banking cartels, and a few elite corporations, and the military industrial complex



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