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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

51st State Takes Shape As 11 Rural Colorado Counties Ask Voters For Secession

GREELEY, Colo. — Colorado has been described as a classic purple state, but in many ways it’s more like two states, one red and one blue, fighting to occupy — and dominate — the same territory.

That is where the 51st state movement comes in. Eleven rural counties, upset over a growing divide with the Democrat-dominated state government on guns, energy and social issues, are asking voters on the Nov. 5 ballot whether their elected officials should pursue the creation of another state carved from northern Colorado.



  1. Ahahahahahahah...ahahahahahah, these people are just crazy and wasting everyones time.

  2. You will see more of this; DELMARVA the 52nd StateOctober 29, 2013 at 6:51 PM

    No 12:37 this in in accordance to our Constitution that your Obama school system never taught you about...

  3. 6:51 might want to read the Constitution a little more closely...

  4. When those who occupy the 51st state smell food cooking in the other 50 they'll come running.Pies will be missing from window sills and dumpsters raided.Their newly founded 3rd world country will be an example for the rest of the country - of what not to become.


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