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Thursday, October 24, 2013

3 Currencies To Avoid Like The Plague

In the 13th century, Marco Polo wrote with utter astonishment at the paper currency standard he witnessed in China:

“[a]ll these pieces of paper are, issued with as much solemnity and authority as if they were of pure gold or silver… and indeed everybody takes them readily. . .”

In the Europe of Marco Polo’s day, ducats and florins were considered money by anyone with half a brain.

Yet today, this paper currency system has come to dominate our world. We’ve handed total control of the money supply to a tiny banking elite.

These central bankers never once stand for election. And despite the tremendous power they wield, citizens still think that they live in a democratic republic. Very curious indeed.

Yet while this entire concept of paper currency is deeply, deeply flawed… there are some currencies which are more flawed than others.

When evaluating a paper currency, it’s imperative to first look at the financial condition of its issuing authority– in this case, the central bank.


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