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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Wicomico Oversteps Boundaries

The Wicomico County Board of Education recently sent a letter to area homeschool families that misquoted and misapplied the Maryland homeschool regulations and made improper demands.

The letter referred to the annual verification incorrectly as a “notice of continuation,” and asked families to submit their verification on a form when no form is required. The letter also asked families to submit the verification and any change of status to the school system, even though families in umbrella programs are required to submit these only to their umbrella program—not the school system.

The letter asked families to submit “proof of enrollment” in an umbrella program, but there is no such requirement under the Maryland homeschool regulations. The form enclosed in the letter sought to obtain a great deal of information from families that they are not required to submit.

HSLDA Senior Counsel Scott A. Woodruff faxed a response to the board of education and asked the author to send a letter of correction to homeschool families. Woodruff’s response, which includes a complete analysis of the many ways the letter and form overstepped the boundaries of the Maryland homeschool regulations, can be read here.


  1. Do the parents of home schooled children have to have a high school diploma or equivalent?

  2. I noticed the person the letter is addressed to it Ms Batts. She was named correctly because she is Batt &&&& crazy!

  3. This is exactly why I come to this site each and every day of the week.

    SBYnews is the 'GO TO SOURCE' for any and all news. Everyday I am impressed at the breadth and depth of coverage.


  4. I say cut the BOE funding for their abuse of power. There has to be a penalty for their infraction.

    Just look at the speed Cameras that are surrounding the schools. If a person violates the speed - the citizens get a ticket. And so should the upper echelon management at the Board of Education - when they step out of line.

  5. Response to 4:15 Post -

    The US imposes economic sanctions on third world countries for human rights violations. I say it is only fair for the citizens to impose sanctions on the BOE.

  6. Regarding a diploma: the umbrella group is approved by the state with in-house reviewers of each child once a year...they can prepare a diploma and have graduation ceremonies. To enter college they just need to pass the admission tests that everyone else does. My granddaughter just entered her 2nd year of pre-nursing studies in Howard County...her 1st year was 4.0 all the way through...and she was only 17 at the time. It really works if you have dedicated parent/teachers.

  7. thank you for posting this joe. we appreciate you keeping us informed more than you know...

    shame on the BOE.

  8. Scott Woodruff seems to think the central office should exercise only the power it legally has. He may be unfamiliar with the intimidation in our school system, but he just might be the first to challenge it and prevail.

  9. Shut down Common core.

  10. SCHOOL VOUCHERS NOW!! its evident that the corrupt bloated incompetent BOE must be reined in and funding cut...at the very least we need an elected school board not appointees..HEY BOE..libtard progressive ideals have failed too educate generations... your days are numbered with this voter....SCHOOL VOUCHERS OR ELECTIONS PICK ONE.....

  11. To 4:10 Posting

    I just checked out the DT, WBOC, WMDT . . .nothing related to Wicomico County being put on NOTICE.

    Thank you for the valuable media source. GO SBYNEWS!

  12. Dude needs to go back to grammar school. Under "second" he uses the word "buy" instead of "by". Guess his secretary didn't do her job. Ha ha.

  13. I am so grateful that my children are OUT of school. Having said that... parents need to question everything. Too much slips by because parents just go with the flow or do not want to cause grief for their children. Ultimately... it is the children that pay. If you have a doubt... ask a question.

  14. 7:48
    I am glad mine are out also. Private school was not so bad but they decided to go to public for high school and I always felt like all they want was to make the parents jump through hoops. Many times there was no reason for some of their requests. Just wanted to command someone to do something.

  15. well how about this: we got a letter from the board stating that we were approved for 100% free school lunches. we didn't even apply. the form that i sent in (which i learned last year is required even if you aren't applying) was so poorly filled out (because it pisses me off that we have to fill it out regardless) and half of the information was missing.
    Status: approved. how does that work exactly?

    1. If you didn't want the school lunches or need them you should have not filled out the form. What are they going to do to you for not filling it out? They can't kick your kids out of school because they get paid by daily headcount that's why they rarely suspend or expel the miscreants. Tell them to go pound sand or just ignore the forms, they'll get the message eventually.

  16. Norm Conway, Rudy Cane. Sample-Hughes,and Rick Pollitt killed Wicomico County from getting an elected school board. I want to thank Bob Culver, Joe Holloway, Gail Barkovitch and Stevie Prettyman for trying to get that done. Remember this at the polls the next time you vote.

  17. Mr. Woodruff wants the central office at the board of ed to follow the law. Glad he can't be fired for such heresy.

  18. To 9:44 - DITTO!

    I absolutely agree. What is so bad is that Wicomico is about the only locality that doesn't have an elected school board. Talk about FASCISM - it is alive and well in Wicomico County - thanks to Norman Conway, Rudy Cane, Sample-Hughes and Rick Pollitt.

  19. Conway, Cane, Sample-Hughes and Pollitt have made Wicomico a 3rd world county.

  20. Common core = commi core!


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