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Sunday, September 08, 2013

Wicomico Bureau of Investigations PRESS RELEASE

Wicomico Bureau of Investigations

INCIDENT: Home Invasion / Kidnapping
DATE: September 5, 2013
LOCATION: 27000 block of Nanticoke Rd, Salisbury, MD

NARRATIVE: On September 5, 2013 at 0130 hours the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office received a call for a home invasion/ kidnapping at the above address. The investigation revealed that the victims were held captive for an extended period of time before being forced to drive to a local business and remove an undetermined amount of money from the safe. The victims were released with minor injuries. The Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by the Salisbury Police Department and the Maryland State Police. The investigation is ongoing and being conducted by the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation. 

Anyone with additional information is asked to contact the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation at 410-548-4898 or Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776. A reward of up to $1,000.00 is being offered.

SUSPECTS: Three subjects were witnessed leaving from the scene. All three appeared to be males and witnesses could not provide any further description.


  1. If the police need our help in identifying the suspects should they not give a description? Are they male, female, white, black, Mexican? And, what did they leave in?

  2. wow.
    crimes are getting very technically orchestrated around here.
    seems to be a very vague description of the crime.
    who was the business?
    maybe someone in the vicinity of the business location saw something.

  3. only an inside job would know there was a safe and who had access to it and the approximate amount of cash on hand

  4. pretty ruthless for salisbury area

  5. Nice County we live in. Hope they solve it. Sorry but my money is on the bad guys walking with this dough.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Nice County we live in. Hope they solve it. Sorry but my money is on the bad guys walking with this dough.

    September 5, 2013 at 4:43 PM

    If there were 3 people involved then chances are one of them is going to slip up and talk.

  7. On going investigation. They're always vague when they're going to utilize warrentless tactics to apprehend, or they already have people of interest. They'll use tag readers, cameras, and victim testimony.

  8. 3 people, any nationality, might be males. not known if wearing clothing or not, not known whether on foot or in a vehicle of no description, but you go out there and find these guys! NOW! Oh, and we're not even sure of the direction they were headed in their exit.

    There, that should help.

  9. They all appeared to be male and left in a vehicle. That narrows it down for you sleuths.

  10. If someone comes to.take your property it is your responsibility to protect your family and your property. There is no implied contract that the govt will stand guard over you. The liberals want you to buy into it but the sentence says "life, liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness.

  11. So many people in this county leave their doors unlocked and the garage door open at night. I hope people are beginning to understand that crime (big city crime) is already here and help the police by at least taking precautions. My prayers are with the couple who went thru this.. it is horrid.

  12. 6:36 please tell me where you got that stat? Are you the same loony Detroit cop?

  13. 9:19 Look up the numbers. They are correct. If you can post documentation of conflicting evidence, please post here on SBY News. I will be glad to share my info with you, with documentation, if you wish to pursue this issue further. Gladly waiting for your response. Thanks.

  14. Anonymous said...
    6:36 please tell me where you got that stat? Are you the same loony Detroit cop?

    September 5, 2013 at 9:19 PM

    A liberal in denial!

  15. The business robbed was Bradley's on Lake Street. Right across the street from Bailey's Taxi and behind Station 16 fire house. For the suspects to know where the business owners lived it had to be someone inside or close to them. My money is on the crack smoking son. Who else would know where the owners lived, and the cash would be at the place of business? The son is a good place to start.

  16. Do you have any idea how easy it is to find out who owns a business and where they live? It's not like they were absentee owners... they were there almost every day, and I would be shocked if every customer hadn't met them at some point. All you have to do is search a person's name or open a phone book to find out where they live.

    If you can help the case because you saw something, you don't need information about the suspects. Race or other description wouldn't help you see something you never saw in the first place. Location would understandably be helpful.

    My brother, "the son", he had nothing to with it. If I thought he had something to do with it, I would admit that freely, but the idea is ridiculous. As well as the suggestion that he smokes crack. These aren't your issues to report. Please don't drag my brother's reputation through the mud for your amusement in the midst of a family's crisis. I hope others treat you and yours with sympathy, courtesy, and respect in your moments of trouble. Unlike the embarrassment of stone throwing and racial bigotry shown in some of these comments. You should be ashamed.

    I do know there is good in humanity, and you can prove it by sending positive thoughts and prayers. Also, if you hear someone bragging about this sick act, PLEASE report it. I greatly appreciate the kindness and positive comments that have been offered by caring people in our community. Thank you :)

    1. Well said! Good luck to your family.

  17. Odd that this just fell off everyone's radar. What's going on? I haven't heard a thing!

  18. A shotgun is technically orchestrated too.

  19. Well just an idea. I would look at the thugs bustted for drugs lately. 150 K in cash from one group 500k from another. If you think suppliers are going to let these turd bags off the hook you are misatken. Somebody better find the cash you know what I mean. Time to re-up start again. This crime was thought out.

    Bradley buy a gun and use it. As for it being inside who knows they have cashed checks there since I was a kid. Dont need inside info to know they cash tons of checks so they have CASH on hand


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