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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Western Md. Secession Movement Is A Symptom Of A Serious Disease

A small group of Western Marylanders are pursuing a quixotic secessionist movement that would see the state’s four western counties break away and form a new state. Led by Scott Strzelczyk, the secessionists argue Maryland is controlled by a single party and by folks elected from three jurisdictions — Baltimore City, Montgomery County, and Prince Georges County. Everyone else, they say, is being ignored.

Given that western Maryland is overwhelmingly white and rural, some have been quick to dismiss the secessionist movement as a race-based action motivated by white voters fearful of growing diversity in the state. Though such arguments may hold a kernel of truth, they obscure the more fundamental cause for these movements in Maryland and elsewhere. These intra-state movements are driven by a complex mix of issues that go to the very heart of a representative democracy.



  1. we on the shore wish to leave also.
    where do we sign up?

  2. Yea it's called mental illness.

  3. " white voters fearful of growing diversity in the state"

    Of course this is true. You would have to be a moron to not be 'fearful' of 'diversity.'
    Look no further than Balto city to see what 'diversity' has created.
    Anyone looking for 'diversity' should move there.

  4. Saw this on another blog lately and it speaks for itself-

    Anonymous said...
    I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Black community and their culture to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture.
    Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real Estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.
    Presently enriching the cities of Spokane WA, Chicago IL, Philadelphia PA, Washington D.C., St. Louis MO, New Orleans LA, Los Angeles CA, Baltimore MD, Pontiac MI, Gary Ind., Newark NJ, Cleveland OH, Atlanta GA, Richmond VA, Memphis Tn, Birmingham AL, Camden NJ; and let's not forget Detroit, the tourism capital of the world!

  5. Living in Maryland all my life I have always been troubled by the one party state. Doesn't any other voice get heard? Not here.

    It is no wonder there are finally enough counties to express this desire. I wish them luck.

    A representative government always negotiates and compromises what is best for it's citizens so EVERYONE feels as though they were heard.

  6. The Eastern Shore folks need to actively support this - either by joining them in leaving the Baltimorons and Annapaholes or upholding their rights to secede...we'll be doing the same thing soon regardless. It'll be worth it to have allies.....

  7. Add the Eastern Shore. The new part left composed of Baltimore and the DC suburbs can be called the State of Washimore or Balshington. Leave the rest of us tax paying conservatives and moderites left in the remainder of MD, out of it.

  8. I wish we on the Eastern Shore could secede. and make Andy Harris our governor .

  9. Don't fool any of yourselves... you will not secede...

    It takes to much time, and people to do so... Not to mention the feds would try and stop you... (if you can't stand up and fight the govt over simple things, what makes you think you can do this or people will help, when they proven not to?)

    Have you all actually looked into this at all? I have and here is what you need, in a general form:

    You will need your own currency and economy... The Governor would have to write the bill and sign the bill to send to the feds (That won't happen with O'Faily)... Then before the governor can sign it, you need a majority of the state senate and or house to also go along with it... You will also need your own army and police to maintain order and to protect us from any other country or state trying to invade us, (if that ever happened)...

    There is no real guide to start and or finish this process... However, one can do so by conventions or referendum...

    The problem here though is, voter fraud with it you can not succeed...

    Here is a link to a good article about what should happen... like it being televised and the ballots be only paper and hand counted...


  10. Let us get away from O'Gay O'MalleySeptember 12, 2013 at 3:08 PM

    Baltimore Maryland should be it's own State...Let us on the shore form the 51st State...

  11. 2:50 You need your own currency and economy? I don't think we are talking leaving the country (even though that is starting to sound like a plan)just getting out of the state of Maryland to form a new state within the USA.
    I don't think it would be easy but not as dramaic as succeding from the country. Thats been tryed with other states once with bad results.

  12. Baltimore is the next Chicago.. Best thing to do is move to another state.

  13. 4:32 is right im leaving.x navy come here soon to be an outta here.... good riddence to Md

  14. The grass always looks greener on the other side.. but after you move you realize that most areas of this country have as many problems if not more. My children all looked down on the eastern shore and moved to big cities and wish they were here now. Baltimore is no place to live.

  15. I know how to handle this. The State of Maryland's counties, excluding the Big Four; Balto, PG, St. M and Montgomery get together and vote that the Big Four be annexed by Washington, D.C. They have NO representation in the Congress or the Senate, and then Maryland would be able to get financially moving again. To he!! with Baltiwash!

  16. I heard the King wants Fruitland to secede and become it's own country.

  17. Why not just let the Eastern Shore delegates and Senators combine with the far west counties and stymie the corridor.

  18. Diversity is diluting and diluting anything weakens it. Not all cultures are good and good does not resonate from all cultures. Face it, the great social experiment of the last 50 to 60 years has failed miserably and has only caused America to become the land of the ignorant. Instead of elevating different cultures to the high American standard, we decided to become so politically correct that we lowered ourselves to their low standards for some misunderstood "feel good" reason. Well, we are now starting to pay the price; first with a socialist president and secondly allowing the humiliation, and accepting same, by such people as the racist Al Sharpton and other so called community activists. It's not "if" but "when" revolution will correct this atrocity known as "political correctness" and re-establishes common sense and the rule of common sense law. We desperately need citizen politicians and not professional politicians.

  19. I'd love to see the shore operate without the central MD taxbase. Get real.


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