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Sunday, September 15, 2013

We Can See Clearly Now, GOTCHA!

While our original Post went viral, law enforcement realized very quickly just how well read Salisbury News is and put on their aprons in an attempt to clean off the spray paint on the speed cameras. 

In typical form, they then went to OTHER news sources and asked the public to help them solve this crime. Come on Sheriff, get a sense of humor. It seems perfectly OK for criminals to TAG my building in Downtown Salisbury and NO ONE was ever caught. 

Take it on the chin for once and hey, I've got an idea, perhaps LISTEN to what people are saying in comments. THEY DON'T WANT THE CAMERAS, PERIOD. 


  1. One of the cameras was painted with the number 1774. Does anyone know the significance of that year? The 1776 is obvious but the 1774 less so. Did the artist simply make an error? Or was 1774 intentional?

    1. 1774 was the actual start of the American Revolution. 1776 was just when the Declaration of Independence was signed

  2. who does? when they have contracts with the person who builds these things for the amount of tickets it sends out and most are wrong and the equipment is not tested or set up proper and then you have the city which by law has to keep records of this stuff doesn't and if they do they want you to pay for that information when it is free and supposed to be given by law...

    other cities are getting rid of them...

    Fat ass lazy cops, all they want is to keep being fat asses and lazy harassing the good people and letting the criminals go do whatever they want...

    Next they will have cameras watching cameras and then soon enough, cameras looking into your front door and windows...

  3. people publicly already came out and said us taxpayers are nothing more than money to them or people who they can take money from...

    Basically they said we are their slaves... And rightfully so, because all you americans sit back and let it happen so you must be content with being a slave...

  4. hey WHOEVER is doing this, I wouldn't use Vaseline...Wink Wink.

  5. I want to see more action like this to the cameras... I don't care what people think or might say...

    At least this person is providing action unlike the rest of SBY or america for that matter...

    Yes, for god sakes yes we know you don't condone this crap and blah blah blah we shouldn't promote this stuff, blah blah blah, but at least they are acting on something... and you have to start somewhere...

  6. 1774 was the first time the word "Liberty" was displayed on a flag.

  7. I'm a fan of the s pray paint man. 1776


  9. No body asked the people if they wanted them.

  10. 1774 is when the Intolerable Acts were passed by Britain and it is the year the first Continental Congress met.

  11. how about making up some 1776 stickers to place on the lenses .

  12. Keep it up Albero....keep it up. Just don't bother calling a cop when you need them.

  13. I would suggest "1984" would be a good year to put on one of these cameras. Read the book...

  14. 11:33, Albero is only reporting on what local news media won't report - so why the threat, promise or whatever you want to call it?

  15. I think 3852 would be a better number

  16. 1133 Joe is a police supporter whats ur point??? The problem here is that this is just a money maker for the city, and i personally do believe they belong in a school Zone for the kids as far as the public goes we had our chance to oppose it but like Robert De'Nero would say" YOU BLEW IT".

  17. Just try and paint the ones in Fruitland and see if the KING doesn't come and get you!!!!

  18. Why do you people always go to the " Don't bother calling when you need them" If any one talks about Police, Fireman or the King of Fruitland all hell breaks loose! Ha!

  19. 11:33
    Are you saying you would refuse to do the job the tax payers are paying you to do? You should be fired on the spot.

  20. Why are people so upset over Speed Cameras? If the police pull you over and ticket you then you get points on license and insurance goes up, if the camera honestly gets you then pay the fine and that's the end, no points no insurance increase etc. I tend to speed now and then, if it gets me I am much happier to pay the picture ticket and not deal with points.

  21. Seems lot's of people need to be reminded that Driving is a PRIVELAGE, not a RIGHT!!

  22. I live in Fruitland & wasn't aware we had a King.

  23. 11:21, you were asked and given a chance to express your opinion. You obviously didn't bother to show up to the meetings when they passed.

    April 24, 2011: Salisbury Council Unanimously approves speed cameras (Cohen, Mitchell, Campbell, Spies, Shields)

    June 7, 2011: Wicomico County Unanimously approves speed cameras (Gail Barkovitch, Stevie Prettyman, Bob Culver, Joe Holloway, Matt Holloway, Robert Caldwell, Sheree Sample-Hughes)

    November 10, 2009: Fruitland Council Unanimously approves speed cameras (Greg Olinde, Richard Tull, Raymond Carey, Gloria Ortiz)

    Delmar Maryland...could not find record on who and when...website is antiquated and minutes do not show before 2012. Likely approved in 2011.

    Did you call any of those people and say you didn't want them? There is generally several meetings before such resolutions are passed. Why don't some of you use your time more valuably and attend a meeting at your respective jurisdiction and ask them to be reconsidered. Your elected officials can then hold a meeting on them and decide to continue or not. Many of the council people in the cities and county have changed since then and unless they hear otherwise, they won't change something that already went through the process.

  24. Education is a Right and it appears that someone thought that it was a PRIVELAGE rather than a privilege.

    If I get a ticket from a LEO, I've been caught doing something wrong and will gladly pay it if it is proven in a court of law A camera on the side of the road can only catch a vehicle not a person. I think I have a right to confront my accuser in a court of law in these united states of america. Dig that box up and bring it to the courthouse please.

  25. Im a cop and I dont support the cameras. They are a tax on the public.

  26. Crisfield has just installed one of these idiotic machines. The school has been in the same location for over one hundred years without a fatality and now all of a sudden we need a speed cam for safety. The elected officials think we are pretty stupid and I guess we are for electing them. Thanks mayor and council "for nothing". Now go count how much money you received this week from fines.

  27. 12:46-few are aware Fruitland has a King until he gets pissed off.

  28. You can't just continue to attack LE and think it goes unnoticed. Your time will come Albero. Clock is ticking.

  29. anonymous 1:55, is that you JR. You know, the old tic tock, clock is ticking. I am so scared. I'm always breaking the law and have so much to be afraid of.

    1. I think JR needs to worry about keeping his gin holstered! "Be careful, he might shoot your eye out".

    2. Not me. I don't like Gin.
      I love that someone did this.

  30. Quit griping---If you do wrong--you're going to pay a fine. How much clearer is that for Gosh sakes.

  31. Who is the king of Fruitland

  32. Go to one of the lunch meetings and find out! Oh yea Fruitland has changed meeting from lunch until 3:45 so no one can attend! They all have plenty of VACATION time to attend meetings all hours of the day! And yes we do have a King in Fruitland! And he likes cameras and now is going to make Homeowners buy a license same old sh*%!

    1. 2:38, you are such an idiot. simply because something is on a council agenda, doesnt mean that one or any of the council would support such an idea. What is your hang up with someone giving of their time for their community? All of their regular meetings are at night and it really doesnt matter anyway because nobody cares enough to show up. why dont you show up and introduce yourself. dont be scared..... try and hold off of the booze till around 10:00 pm tonight. I may even take you out for a drink afterwards and explain a few things to you.

  33. homeowners buy a license for what

  34. If you are not speeding then the placement of the camera for speed or for that matter red light cameras will not effect you. If you are, then you may be busted. Officers can not be everywhere at once.

    There has been a lot of talk lately about the crime rate in Salisbury. I am thinking that I would rather have our officers working on those issues, and letting the "cameras" catch the speeders.

  35. I'm all for reducing speeders in school zones during school hours (kids present). Seems the the cams are always on. Just put speed bumps in every fifty feet. Problem solved. One time cost. No fines. No speeding. Oh and stop building them next to major highways.

  36. "they dont want cameras" good, they dont need police. dont call the police.

  37. A deuce and a half would do a nice job on them.

  38. How about the STATE TROOPERS Slow the F Down on the Highways on RT 50.

  39. 3:55- I can say honestly that I never ever speed. I have not had one ticket in over 35+ yrs of driving for anything. Never even been pulled over.
    The most important thing in my life is my privacy and that's why I don't like cameras everywhere. They haven't reduced crime at all and rarely aid in solving crimes.
    People like you who like these cameras are most likely the same people who have Facebooks and post pictures and every other detail about your family life online. If you are a parent you are doing a huge disservice to your child. One of the most important things you can teach them besides how to be self sufficient adults is to guard their privacy fiercely.

  40. The cameras are there strictly to raise money. IIRC, the money collected goes to the various LEO agencies (politely correct me if I err). Thus the agencies have a vested interest in placing these automatic cash registers.

    Everyone wants safe travel for school kids, and our record in that has been outstanding before the cameras sprouted. So they were placed to solve a non-existent problem.

    During the hours when kids are going to and from school most school zones are slow traffic areas due to bus, parent and staff cars. All the zones were posted.

    What grinds most folks is that the cameras operate long after kids are to and from school.

    The hard, cold fact is that the cameras could not pay for themselves (their owner's profit and the revenue to the authorizing agency) if they only operated when school zone lights were flashing.

    It's a revenue grab - a tax - and let's hope that every elected official who voted for them is turned out of office.

  41. 3:55 by your admission there is a lot of crime in Salisbury that you are hearing about and there is the speed cameras that have freed up your officers so why are you still hearing about crime? So it's obvious you were not thinking as you stated.

  42. I would love to see a rally at the town council office to get these things out of our community

  43. Ill tell you whats safe for my kids me keeping my 40 dollars from the picture ticket and buying another box of 45s to protect my family

  44. Mr. or mrs. 3:55 What you have just said is one of the most
    Insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling,incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this blog is now dumber after reading it. May God have mercy on your soul...and why the quotation marks?

  45. So I guess you can run over students while driving the speed limit

  46. And still no rational explanation as to why these speed cameras are such an evil. Emphasis on the word 'rational'.

  47. So, our community gets national coverage for a cheap act of vandalism. That's really special.

  48. I appreciated learning the significance of 1774. However, I suspect it's a typo. When I was discussing the original photo with my son, he didn't understand what 1776 meant until I reminded him.

  49. 929, that's the real shame. Our education system has not yet told your son what happened in 1776? Gawd, how old is he? And he still doesn't know?

  50. Joe: Just an update.

    The Blaze has picked up the story and credits SBYNews in its account.

    Instapundit has picked up the story from The Blaze; that's where I saw the article by The Blaze. Had already seen your coverage directly. Expect lots of redirect traffic!

    Good job!

  51. @8:35 PM, plenty of rational argument against the cameras here, you're just choosing to ignore it because you don't agree with it. Ignorance at its finest.

    @8:46, it wouldn't have come to this had the politicians actually headed the calls of the people they represent.

  52. 6:48 if I am such an idiot why did you answer? I knew you could not resist! The King has Spoken! It has taken a little longer than I expected! College Kids live beside some on the council so they want to sell you a permit! And as I said before I will not waste my time at one of your lunch meetings or a 3:45 meeting!

  53. Please keep this at the top Mr. Albero this is a rights issue and a form of taxation! The Fruitland gang is chimed in again and thats always fun!! Thin Skinned Politicians like the Fireman!

  54. 6:48 why do you have to go to personal attacks acussing anyone who dissents of drinking? I would not be seen in Public with any of you thin skinned politicians! Just keep meeting at lunch and now at 3:45 Thats Funny Stuff! Once we started talking about lunch meetings they got changed to 3:45! You cant make this stuff up! Just watch their some what up to date web site!!!!

  55. 10:32 - I am not sure why you criticize people who are willing to give up their lunch time to meet and try to work on problems that need attention. I am sure the council would be more than willing to meet with any citizen to discuss any problems or concerns they may have at any time. That also applies to any city employee as well who would like to meet to discuss an issue. You also refer to "personal attacks" is that not what you are in fact doing. I am sure you have valid concerns and maybe even a solution to some, so I ask you to please put your energy to work and attend a council meeting. I believe it is everyone's intention to help the residents and the City.
    Thank you

  56. 10:32 I am not critizing anybody just stating the facts! There is no way there is that much business that can't be taken care of at a REGULAR meeting when people are off! The employees that attend are 95% salary anyway. yea I know my water bill went down just be happy! I dont even live there just like stirring you thin skinned Democrats up! And boy does it always work! You guys monitor Joe because he keeps you honest! What about the Landlord Stuff want to be like Salisbury or what! Joe keep your eye on the Fruitland Cameras and the Landlord bill the King is trying to pass to get rid of college kids and minority renters!

    1. 10:32, it is pretty bold to accuse someone of being a racist. I own a rental house in Fruitland and went to a meeting about a year ago when it was being discussed and the person I think you are referring to was not in favor. Landlord licensing has been talked about in Fruitland for years.

  57. 1:40, I have refrained from commenting on any of your posts until this point. When I comment, unlike you, I will use my name. The only reason that I am deciding to reply to your nonsense is the simple fact that what you are accusing me of is being discriminatory. That is SLANDER…plain and simple. Suggesting that by enacting landlord licensing I am trying to push a particular demographic out of the City is ridiculous. For starters, the topic of landlord licensing has been discussed in Fruitland for years. You obviously have no idea of why items are placed on the agenda. They can happen as a result of a citizen inquiry, at the request of another Council member (there are 5 you know), or a number of other reasons. If you would like to know, I happen to oppose the idea. While there may be some good reasoning behind the concept, there are also negative consequences. For some reason, you seem to be so fascinated on what time we have meetings, rather than more important question of what is being discussed. When you have 5-10 people that each have their own schedules and commitments, it is not practical to think that they are all going to happen in the evening, it would be more convenient, but not possible. All of our regular meetings are held in the evening when as you say “people are off”, but sadly, they are very poorly attended. How will a work session or special meeting held in the evening be miraculously well attended when our regular 7:30 meetings are lucky to have 3 people? With one regular meeting a month, the volume of material to discuss usually keeps us there until 10:00 pm or later. There have been some pretty big internal changes taking place, if we tried to include the work sessions, the meetings would end at midnight. Many of those meetings involve the discussion of personnel which must be closed.
    I have talked with Joe on several occasions regarding my hopes for Fruitland and some of the challenges that we face. I do not need to monitor this site to “keep me honest”, I try to do that on my own and have frequented his site since it was created. I may not agree with everything I read but we are all entitled to our opinion. While I am not a Democrat, I am also not far right and that may be why I do not agree with some of the comments that I find. I do not believe that everyone in Government is out to get you and strongly believe that there are people, especially on the local level, that care about their communities and choose to be involved. Unfortunately, it is “anonymous” people like you that make good people reluctant to sign up. Anonymous people that are, for example, more concerned about what time a meeting is held rather than the substance of the meetings and current issues. Did you know that MDE is taking away $2.5 million that was promised to Fruitland to fund a MDE mandated ENR upgrade to the wastewater treatment plant? Where will it come from now? Did you know that the County and Fruitland are working on a long term solution to solve a public health hazard just outside of Fruitland that is affecting a couple of hundred people? This is stuff that “you just can’t make up”, but your right, they are small things compared to what time a meeting happens to be held. Right? I am doing exactly what I set out to do in Fruitland, and will do so until my term is done and that is looking out for Fruitland and the taxpayers because I am one of them. I am not going to sugar coat topics but I am going to call it like it is. This reply is mostly for the benefit of someone that actually lives in Fruitland that may have read your comment, not for you. Regarding speed cameras, I was not on Council when the cameras were approved and am not sure how I would vote on them, but am sure that it went through the process and the citizens were given opportunities to give their input.

    Lee Outen

  58. The sheriff has NO say on City issues.

  59. I don't see what the problem is, do the speed limit and you don't get a fine....What am I missing???

    1. you're missing the point too much government too much big brother let us be free .

  60. I'm impressed with Councilman Lee Outen. Should Ocean City and other local government entities be so lucky as to have individuals such as he elected.
    It's always the same with these people. They use the tired old EXCUSE that they don't bother with ANON comments. That is nothing more than a copout by spineless people who have no defense.
    That is why to be a politician these days is no longer honorable. This is why very few of them deserve any respect.

    1. 12:50, Not sure how to interpret your comment, but I have no issue with Anonymous comments as part of a good and healthy discussion, however, if someone decides to make accusations, they should have to put a name to it. There is a difference between free speech and slander.

      Lee Outen

    2. I agree 4:23, if a comment accuses someone of something and is anonymous, it should be rejected.

    3. Many of these comments read that you should be able to face your accuser. How can you face an accuser that is anonymous? Works both ways. I agree with you, I have known Lee for a long time. He is a hard worker and does what he says he will do. I won't blame him if he doesn't run again, the only reason for anyone to do it to begin with is to make a difference. There is no financial benefit or anything else.

  61. Councilman Outen, interpret the comment as a compliment. While I disagree now with you saying comments should have a name to them the fact that you stood up and addressed previous anon comments is commendable.
    I agree the commenter you address was quite off the wall but you still addressed them with an intelligent thoughtful response. Very few politicians will do this and use as an excuse that they don't pay attention or address anon comments. They do this because they haven't an intelligent thoughtful response or any way to defend what someone is saying about them.

  62. Mr. Outen, if you are not a democrat, and you oppose the landlord issue why do you think that 1:40 was talking to you? I think people should be able to post anon so they do not have to face retaliation when they talk about any elected official, Police People, Fireman or anybody who can write a ticket! Building Inspector, code enforcement. If anyone can guarantee that these people do not hold grudges are living in the land of OZ!

  63. What you are missing is the same thing the scarecrow was missing in the Wizard of Oz.

    Somebody help him out, I'm sure he still doesn't know what it is.


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