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Sunday, September 01, 2013

WCSO Press Release 8-27-13


  1. WOW. The police LOVE the Constitution! ESPECIALLY the part that says Americans are protected against unreasonable searches (4th Amendment). And if merely driving down the road now makes INNOCENT people "suspects" in a crime, then we might as well BURN the Constitution and put a Swastika on cops badges. They stopped (wait for it)....FIVE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-THREE people (say THAT out loud to yourself), detained them, interrogated them, and delayed their right to travel freely. Now, out of 563 cars, THREE people were arrested?! THREE!!! Hello, Nazism. Stop and Frisk (innocent citizens again! --to see IF any crime is being committed,), NAZI roadblocks, again checking INNOCENT citizens for POSSIBLE crimes, secret and warrantless searches, NSA recording every text e-mail, and phone call. WHAT do they have to do to you before you realize that this is more like China or Russia (or Nazi Germany) than the "land of the free"?

  2. and you are a moron with no knowledge of search and seizure.

  3. 12:56......Moron or not, I can read the Constitution. ANYONE who thinks its okay for armed (and ready to shoot you) government agents to stop HUNDREDS of otherwise innocent citizens, only find THREE PEOPLE WORTHY OF ARREST (!!!!), not only hasn't read the Constitution, but probably can't spell it either. And probably prances around at home in a fully decorated SS uniform. INNOCENT Americans are SUPPOSED to be free from police intimidation and searches without probable cause (merely driving down the road is now probable cause??). Cops always TALK about "obeying the law" ---the same ones they break more than the rest of the population combined and hold themselves above them), but when its pointed out that they are violating our most fundamental rights, we are "morons". JUSTIFY stopping 563 cars so you can FIND some criminals. I'll wait....

    1. You. Are. Awesome!! Agree 1000000%

  4. I'm still waiting for the "justification".....

  5. Idiot. The nazis killed over 10 million innocent people, gassing and torturing them to death and throwing them into mass graves. Including jews, Christian s, people with mental disabilities. Gays, and people they just thought werent "pure". They conducted hideous experiments on them, lined them up and shot them in the streets. I think a dui checkpoint for stopping drunks killing innocent people is a far cry from nazis. You complete idiot.

  6. Listen up, cop. I TOLD you--- it's MR. idiot to you. You are too stupid to realize you just made my point. Do you think the Nazi's did all that overnight? They did it the same way it's happening here --- slowly. Incrementally. No one said anything when it was just the gypsies. No one said anything when the SS stopped people on the street and demanded "papers". No one said anything when the citizens were disarmed. And guess what? NOW in America, armed police are stopping INNOCENT people and demanding "papers" and CHECKING for crimes. Refuse or resist and you could die. We are under the greatest surveillance of any country in history --- including Nazi Germany. Are you familiar with the term "slippery slope"? I hate to burst your righteous cop bubble, but we are on that slope, going down at about 500MPH. And YOU are part of that acceleration You keep cheering and you keep ignoring history AND OUR CONSTITUTION. I'll keep pointing out the errors in your twisted and uninformed delusions. Lastly, I've FORGOTTEN more history between 9 and 10AM today than you've EVER known. And from your anonymous post, you don't know history at all. Storm troopin' moron.....

  7. oh yeah...one more thing...I'm still waiting on "justification". I have a feeling I'll be waiting a long time for THAT. Reference the Constitution in your reply. If you can.

  8. 5:26 PM

    I was going to correct this ignorant person myself, but you beat me to it.

    Cops may be able to stop cars at a checkpoint, but no one HAS to talk to them, show i.d., move to a secondary inspection area or get out of the vehicle.

    Ask if you are being detained, ask if you are free to go, and keep asking until you get an answer.

    Be polite, but firm. If they won't answer or give you grief, ask for their supervisor and ask him/her the same questions until you get an answer.

    Keep going up the chain of command if you have to, and you want to fight for your rights.

    Otherwise baa and do whatever they say.

  9. Imclain, You are a complete and total moron and imbecile. Pardon me, Mr. Idiot. I have no problem calling you that. Certainly, you should be referred to by a proper greeting.

    Police operating a DUI checkpoint, deterring and stopping drunk driver's so they don't kill themselves, our children, or us is not unconstitutional.

    The nazis, you complete idiotic drip, killed and tortured over 10 million people in ovens. They killed undesirables, jews, christians, mentally ill, and homosexuals. They tortured people using every sick method available (including screws into their heads, stitching their privates closed, inserting glass rods in privates, electrocution, and much worse. They conducted experiments on people as guinea pigs, sealed them in tunnels, and buried people in mass graves.

    You are comparing the police this area to SS troops because they conducted a DUI checkpoint? That's a slippery slope? The only slippery slope around here is your forehead.

    I believe in the constitution and what our founding fathers believed in. They were very suspicious of FEDERAL government rule because of England's tyranny, not policing. Local police are not federal troops you fool.

    Read a book on the holocaust you pea brained imbecile. People like you are what's wrong with the country. You see conspiracies everywhere and have no solutions for anything. Just raise alarm, waive your arms, shout a lot, and are a bag of hot air. What is your solution to policing exactly? Do away with the police? Nothing. Just a complainer.

    I get it, you don't like the police. Boohoo. Now, get a feminine napkin and close your fat, stanky pie hole.

  10. Imclain, I looked at the constitution. It doesn't say anywhere that the police can't conduct a DUI checkpoint.

  11. By the way, Mr. Idiot history expert, the police in germany actually put down the first uprising of the nazi party (a riot) at which time Hitler was arrested by the police and was thrown in jail where he wrote Mien Kampf.

    The second attempt to gain power utilized brown shirts to intimidate people to vote for the Nazi party, claiming Jews were responsible for the country's poverty, not in fact WWI.

  12. Mr. Idiot,

    The reason you can rant about how the police are nazis, by the way, is because of the constitution and the protections in affords you.

    If the police were indeed Nazi's and SS as you mistakenly claim, you half wit, then following your posting of comment... A car would pull in front of your house, they would take you to a cave, and shove electric wires under your fingernails (which the Nazi's did), drill holes in your head, and torture you to death for criticizing the Nazi party.

    You have no idea what a Nazi is. You are a complete and total ignoramous diarrhea mouth.

  13. 4:11, 4:31, 4:40,

    Yes Hitler was thrown in jail in 1923! Hitler was "Man of the Year" in Time magazine in 1938 and 1939. It starts with the illegal searches, persecution for "security". September 11= Reichstag. Brown shirts= DHS and Obama Youth Brigade. Nazi germany was certainly an incremental slippery slope. Imclain is spot on and your fear of the truth, or ignorance prohibits you from digging for truth. Wake up and see what's going on around you. The same people that financed Hitler are financing the military industrial complex today....playing both sides against each other.

    An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation, We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland
    -Adolf Hitler

  14. Not to mention the current, rapidly expanding, federalization of our police. DHS ring a bell? Any cop who is not a complete moron and claims to know our laws should be aware of posse comitatus. He would also know about army.mill documents: FM 3-39.40 : Internment and resettlement operations in the United States, and the declassified civilian inmate labor program from 2005. There are dark forces at hand controlling Obama no different than Hitler people. The illuminati is real and trying to destroy this country.

  15. 4:40 that's where we're headed if we don't stop the tyranny!

  16. I don't like obama either. He is a liberal socialist idiot. Connecting obama and the socialist crap the federal govenment is doing to the local police is stupid. Most cops cant stand obama. I am not disagreeing that the federal government needs to be kept in check and is out of control. But saying local cops are nazis doing the bidding of obama and the federal government is ridiculous. I didn't vote for that idiot either time.

    So relax conspiracy theorists. Local cops aren't federal troops looking to further obamas agendas.

  17. We'll shall see what the next two years bring. How many of local law enforcement will do whatever for big cash and forget the constitution. Delta force and the DOD have been buying off local jurisdictions with under the table cash payments since the late 90's all over the country. I just pray when it's time for civil disobedience against the Feds, we'll see who the real patriots are, civilian and police. DUI checkpoints, TSA at airports and major events, gun bans, etc are all collectivism on the road to communism or fascism. Guilty until proven innocent, warrant less search and seizure, if one person does it, all must suffer. That is not what this country was founded on. Please actually READ the constitution before commenting local law enforcement.

  18. 10:20 the point is local law enforcement follows nationally dictated orders from DHS and DOD. Research it

  19. The good cops will be replaced in due time

  20. 10:20 search YouTube for "gun confiscation in Hebron, Md" and then tell me there's no ties to local law enforcement and the Federal govt


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