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Friday, September 27, 2013

Walmart Shooter Targeted White Victims

A North Carolina grand jury found that a man who shot four people at a Walmart in June targeted his victims because they were white.

According to WRAL.com, a grand jury indicted Lakim Faust, 23, on Monday on 14 charges, including "four counts of attempted first-degree murder."



  1. Gee that could have been Obama at age 23. Or would he prefer to have a son like this. Another disadvantaged youth who will blame slavery, racism and whitey for what he did. Where are the race baiters Sharpton and Jackson. Maybe this clown and Jessie Jr. can share a jail cell.

  2. Yet there is no “Enhanced” criminal charges of a “Hate Crime”, that would add federal time to his sentence and make him have to serve a minimum, no early release. No parole, no set aside time, actual prison time! Also, where is the Justice department coming down on him for violating those “White” folks Civil rights!! Where is the President saying that if he had a son, his son could have been a white boy! A victim of a black shooter! This is discrimination !!!!!

  3. And this is why Obama is pushing voting rights for prisoners. These kinds of people, especially in Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, and Philadelphia will always vote for someone like Obama because, simply, they are losers.

  4. When the dung hits the fan of 'racial conflict' the perpetrator will not be doubted.

  5. What kind of a name is "Lakim Faust".

  6. All of this racial tension needs to cease. We are 'America The Great', yet we struggle with skin complexion. Its one world, and We The People. Too hate someone because of their skin color is to tell God you dont appreciate his diversity, uniqueness, creativity and love for all his children just or unjust. As the song goes, "The Devil got you guys by the throat".

  7. And nobody is yelling "HATE CRIME"?

  8. 8:45 PM

    Take out an ad on BET and tell THEM that.

    WE have been hearing that over 100 years and bent over backwards to appease the ones who will not be appeased.

    We are finally getting fed up enough to stop trying. It's their turn for a change.


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