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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

UPDATED: Lengthy Senate Report Details EPA FOIA Abuses

Environmental Protection Agency officials have from the beginning of President Obama's tenure in the Oval Office "pursued a path of obfuscation, operating in the shadows, and out of the sunlight," according to a Senate report.

The report by Republican members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee provides a detailed description of violations of the Freedom of Information Act and other federal laws and regulations meant to encourage transparency and accountability in the government.

"The agency established an alias identity to hide the actions of the former administrator; has purposefully been unresponsive to FOIA request, oftentimes redacting information the public has a right to know; and mismanaged its electronic records system such that federal records have been jeopardized," the report said.


1 comment:

  1. There are some county entities that do not give out public information as well. You have to ask multiple times and get avoided or stone walled. They want us to shut up and not ask questions that put their decisions in a bad light.


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