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Friday, September 13, 2013

Turning Coffee Grinds Into Biodiesel

A breakthrough in biofuel may be hidden in your garbage can. Researchers at the University of Cincinnati have discovered a way to turn used coffee grinds into biodiesel. They say that the process extracts oil from the spent coffee grounds, which is made into a biofuel. Then, the dried grounds are reused again to filter impurities out of the fuel. The new process could replace the corn and soybeans that are currently used to make biofuel, and those crops could be saved to use for food. Americans alone throw out about one million tons of coffee grounds each year, which means we're dumping a ton a natural energy into landfills everyday. If these spent grounds could be used to power our cars, trucks, and homes, we'd have a constant supply of cleaner energy, and a great excuse to drink more coffee.


  1. A thought.. Could you burn dried coffee grounds in a pellet stove and save an appreciable amount of money?? If so, why not recycle like we do aluminum and plastic???

  2. Only an idiot would think of this.

  3. Earthworms love to eat and grow really big when you put the coffee grounds in their soil. Worm farms are easy!

    Then you can eat the worms. They're boneless!

  4. Do the worms taste like a Latte? I'm in!

  5. I've been putting my used grounds into my garden soil for decades. Definitely helps a garden grow, and you can usually talk to a local barista or coffee joint into giving away their spent grounds as well as the bags that the coffee comes in, makes for great weed prevention and water conservation.

  6. Only a super-idiot would degrade new recycling ideas. Sometimes these things work. Nothing ventured-nothing gained. New ideas are what made this country great and old ideas are what will destroy it.

  7. Take you truck with $15,000 diesel engine and go ahead and fill er up with biodiesel.
    When the injectors fail, the high pressure pump fails and the rings get stuck from the sludge, see how much money you saved.


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