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Friday, September 13, 2013

Today's Survey Question 9-14-13

Do you believe Priests should be allowed to have sex?


  1. Yes, but only with Nuns.

  2. I believe priests should be allowed to marry and raise a family. One of the strongest values of The Church is the importance of family. I believe the celibacy restriction should be abolished.

  3. As long as you mean with a consenting adult. Yes.

    Celibacy is not a natural thing.

  4. No , They Knew what they where getting into....LEAVE. the faith.

  5. I think they should be allowed to marry. It's already being allowed on a limited basis. There are priests formerly of other faiths (Episcopal or Orthodox mostly) who are leading small congregations.

  6. Priests should be able to marry. How else are they supposed to council families or help a couple through marriage?

  7. I too believe priests should be allowed to marry. I think it would open the door for a lot of men of faith who would make wonderful church leaders to join the Priesthood.
    In the Ukrainian Catholic Church priests can not get married, however Ukrainian Catholics along with many other Eastern Catholic churches ordain married men to the Priesthood. In other words if one is already married they can become a priest.

  8. They should have none.


  9. What makes you think they don`t?

  10. the one thing the Catholic church is not is a democracy. I believe change should be very slow and thoughtful. Priests are supposed to understand and remain faithful to the church... some have failed, most have succeeded.

  11. I think it not up to us but up to the church.

  12. not with little boys

  13. This has to be the dumbest question you ever asked, Joe.

    Catholic priests are called by God to a life which includes celibacy. There is a lengthy discernment process and I'm sure that sacrifice is one that for some is too great to make. The great non-headline-grabbing majority of them adhere to this teaching.
    Sacrifice for others, chastity, modesty, etc sound so out of date in this hook-up, porn-riddled, baby daddy 'culture' but they truly are timeless.
    Thank God there are still real men willing to answer the call.


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