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Monday, September 23, 2013

The Real Navy Yard Scandal

It is inhumane not to treat those suffering from mental illness.

In the liberal remake of Casablanca, the police captain comes upon the scene of the shooting and orders his men to “round up the usual weapons.”

It’s always the weapon and never the shooter. Twelve people are murdered in a rampage at the Washington Navy Yard, and before sundown Senator Dianne Feinstein has called for yet another debate on gun violence. Major opprobrium is heaped on the AR-15, the semiautomatic used in the Newtown massacre.



  1. In "Casablanca" the remark was "Round up the usual SUSPECTS..

  2. These shootings are government provoked to push their point and agenda.

  3. as if there was actually an AR-15 used in Newtown. when will the liberal morons realize that all the violence takes place where the liberals are in control with their liberal agendas? Connecticut, DC, Chicago... maybe they'll one day realize that the real problem isn't guns but liberalism itself. we should outlaw liberals, but they are too stupid and liberal to realize they are the problem. MORONS!

  4. It was reported in news, the Navy yard shooter had received Triaziadone, an anti-psychotic drug which has a black box warning.

    Just like Lanza and Holmes, they also were on black box warning med.
    Why is there nowt more on this and why do these doctors not put people in the hospital to supervise knowing a drug has a strong potential to make a person manic?

    I still think Holmes psychiatrist should have put him in the hospital, she was negligent.

  5. Time to start suing these doctors and hospitals for NOT flagging these folks, and not following through on treatment.

    That will be the rule changer.

    But, then, Diane Feinstein would be out of a job...


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