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Friday, September 13, 2013

The Blowback Neocons Fear

We all remember 2007, when the heroic Ron Paul stood in front of the nation at a Republican Presidential Debate, and explained the concept known as “blowback”. It was so out of the ordinary for someone to actually speak the truth to the American people, that Rudy Giuliani’s emotions took over.

Giuliani made the great mistake of confronting Ron Paul on the idea that maybe foreigners don’t like having their lands occupied by the U.S. and use violence as a method to kick them out.

Giuliani played dumb. He’d never heard of such unpatriotic thinking, and actually asked Ron Paul to apologize!!



  1. He told us so. It was true then, and true now. Think of your USA occupied with military bases for Syria, Afghanistan. Canada, Mexico, Poland, Russia, or anyone else with soldiers in full gear On the streets of Salisbury, or any other town, all day and night running checkpoints and directing our traffic as to who is in our vehicle, where we are headed, and where to go.

    Think about that for a moment, and then think about what you would do about that?

    It's called blowback.

    Ron Paul is right. and you can't argue that!

  2. Ron Paul is always right, about everything!


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