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Friday, September 20, 2013

Teacher Mamas!

Dear Teacher-Mamas,

I know life as a teacher-mama is tough work. I know you come home from school completely exhausted, but still somehow manage to find the energy to make dinner for your family, play with your kids, take them to piano lessons and soccer practice, help them with their own homework, put them in the tub, do the whole bedtime routine, and then kiss your kids goodnight. I know that on Monday and Tuesday this job doesn't seems so hard, but by Thursday and Friday, you can hardly keep your eyes open through dinner.

This post is dedicated to all the mamas (and daddies...) in the world who have to juggle two very important jobs: teaching your 20-30+ students and loving your own little darlings.


  1. God bless them and thank you

  2. Don't forget all the grading of papers and lesson prep that is done at the dinner table AND the telephone calls with parents. And any other extra-curricular things that many teachers are involved in....it ain't a job- its a calling....BIG PROPS TO THE TEACHERS!!!


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