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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Syria To Accept Russian Chemical Weapons Proposal

Syrian foreign minister says President Assad will accept Russian proposal to place chemical weapons under international control for dismantling, the Associated Press reports.


  1. Bailed out by the Russians now that'd funny what next the Russian mob runs America.

  2. Thank you President Putin for bailing out Obama.Now he can act as though he planned it all.

  3. Obama needs to go back to playing basketball and golf and let the big boys handle the important things. He's such a loser.

  4. a big thanks to Russia for getting our lame president out of deep water .

  5. "Anonymous said...
    Thank you President Putin for bailing out Obama.Now he can act as though he planned it all.

    September 10, 2013 at 9:06 AM"

    Sad part is that his supporters are so dumb that they will believe he planned it this way. Most wouldn't be able to tell you who Putin is.
    But you ask them who lil wayne or kanye west is and the ignoramus' are all over it.

  6. Don't be so sure 11:12. Putin has something up his sleeve and part of it is to make Obama look like more of a fool than he already does. The international community and esp Presidents Putin and Assad have already dismissed obama and know he's a nothing. Those men are shrewd and the poster boy for failed affirmative action and his admin are nothing to them except something to be ridiculed and screwed with.

  7. They are screwing with Obama and are showing the world what an amateur he really is.
    Question of the day is-will Obama agree to no military force? While I don't agree with it at this point in time, nor ever possibly Obama should not agree to this. This will be the test of his real leadership.


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