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Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Syria Attack: MPD, Park Police On Alert For Retaliation

Internal documents obtained by ABC 7 News show that multiple law enforcement agencies, including U.S. Park Police and D.C. Police, are looking for suspicious activity and increasing surveillance near potential targets like monuments and government buildings.

This watch is in response to a possible U.S. military strike against Syria based on evidence that Syria recently killed more than 1,400 of their own in a chemical weapons attack.

On Saturday, the same day President Barack Obama stated the U.S. should take military action against the Syrian regime, the U.S. Park Police issued a lengthy internal memo alerting the agency to be ready and prepared for potential retaliatory action against the U.S. after any military intervention. 



  1. The Washington police can't even keep anyone from spray painting green paint, I wish them luck on protecting DC.

  2. We don't need them here in the Bury. We have JimBeau on the job.

  3. They've forgotten to announce the date & time.

  4. Ah...the latest boogeyman. Syria, which like Iran, couldn't launch a missile and hit the closest ocean, is now a threat to our national security. They can't bother with attacking any warships we have over there and can't even stop a ragged bunch of rebels from taking over 3/4's of their country, but DO have the ability to travel 3500 miles to detonate a pack of C-4 at the Lincoln Memorial. And the sheeple are frozen in fear at that scary scenario. Because, you know, we are just ONE PACK of C-4 away from total chaos and breakdown of society. Wait til they (our "leaders") start whipping people into a fearful frenzy about the dangers of "the dark". 150 million idiots will start leaving all the lights on (even in the day!).


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