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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Statement From Governor Martin O'Malley On Shooting At Washington Navy Yard

ANNAPOLIS, MD (September 17, 2013) -- Governor Martin O'Malley issued the following statement on yesterday's shooting at the Washington Navy Yard:

“Yesterday, Maryland and our nation witnessed a senseless act of violence in neighboring Washington, D.C. Our hearts and prayers are with the victims -- including six Maryland residents -- and their loved ones.

“This loss of life is tragic because there is no such thing as a spare American. Every life is needed.

“We are very grateful for the service of our first responders, including the brave men and women of our federal, state and city law enforcement. Maryland State Police helicopters assisted with medical evacuations, and other state law enforcement resources were on standby, as part of our regional readiness and cooperation efforts. We stand ready to support our neighbors in the ongoing investigation and recovery.”


  1. Hay Joe, whatever happened to the Cracker Barrel we were supposed to be getting in the old Zia lot? I saw when they knocked down Zia's, millions of cockroaches, lost their home and are movin to Arby's.

  2. “This loss of life is tragic because there is no such thing as a spare American. Every life is needed."

    Unless it's aborted of course....


  3. turn in your

  4. I heard Cracker Barrel moved their interest to & the bypass so they could have their iconic tall sign visible to the By-Pass that Jimmy-Boy threw yet another Hissy- Fit over at the Zia's site.

    Leaving Jimmy-Boy and the City the remaining mess to clean up for himself!!!!

    I just love when crap like this happens!!!!

    How much is cleaning up your "Eyesore Code Violation" going to cost the City, Jimmy?


  5. otaxie has a statement about everything. The man has more tongue than a high-top shoe!

  6. He talks a lot, but he didn't say anything.

  7. "no such a thing as a spare American. Every life is needed." I thought OweMalley was at San Salvadorian Embassy "spending his valuable time campaigning for votes"? Sounds like OweMalley talks about "every life is needed" so he can TAX IT. We are upset about 12 innocent victims ho were not allowed to have their weapons for ttheir protection (thanks to Bill Clinton for that). OweMalley is only upset because he lost 6 Maryland Taxpayers today. Dang Marty, 6 Marylanders who won't be paying Sky High Taxes anymore.

  8. 9:30 PM

    You are repeating the false story that Clinton is to blame for disarming the bases.

    In reality, it was Bush Sr.s deputy secretary of defense that "disarmed" the military bases.

    Which isn't really true either, since we have never had soldiers walking around armed all the time, except in combat.

    Military police are the only ones with that authority to be armed at all times.

  9. Who cares what Owe Malley says about it. He doesn't care ... hes just looking for votes in the future.He could care less....

  10. Yes 4:23. Odd comment from a Gov. who turns a blind eye to thousands of MD abortions.

  11. This so called man, O'Malley, has no business making any statement. His gun laws have stripped citizens of the right to protect their families and his pro gay stance has sunk Maryland to an immoral low. He needs to ask himself what agenda he has pushed lately to make Marylanders safer and more prosperous. He is a traitor and nothing but a low life political whore only interested in gaining power for himself and the other dumbocrat communists in Annapolis. How can he look into a mirror and call himself a man.


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