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Monday, September 30, 2013


Foster-care officials declare parents with traditional values unacceptable
A video has been uncovered of Massachusetts officials promising to weed out foster parents with conservative values who would only “tolerate” a youth’s gender confusion and not endorse it.

The video was featured by political activist Amy Contrada, who researches family issues through the non-profit Massachusetts-based group Mass Resistance organization.



  1. My co workers left Christian music playing loudly after the work areas were closed for the day.That radio station had a combination of music and Christian related discussions 24/7.With that playing all night long one would be amazed at the difference during working hours.Everyone had a better work attitude and got along much better.Point being that work areas are never completely vacant.

  2. This article is really deceptive, and disingenuous. The state is NOT weeding out Christian anything. It IS deciding that someone who does not accept and support LGBT is not fit to be an adoptive, or foster parent.

    This is DECIDEDLY different, than saying the state is "weeding out" traditional values, or "persecuting" Christians. This deceptive article and headline are engaged in sesational journalism that I find detestable.

  3. so if i don't accept LGBT i am not fit to be a parent. sounds like discimination to me.

  4. It is because of the lack of christian values which got them in a foster care difficulty in the first place. Values are important to proper development.

  5. 12:06 nailed it. Thank you, and may God bless you...wait, He already has!

  6. 11:10 People that DO accept and support the LGBT abomination are not fit to be near children at ANY capacity.
    (obviously you included)

  7. @ everyone else

    There are plenty of people who are Christian, and many Christian demoninations and sect there of that have NO issues with LGBT. So to try and use this to forward the false meme of "Christian Persecution" is just detestable.

    Wanna be honest about it? Call the authors out on the article. Don't agree with the policy? Get involved in local government and present a tangible argument against the policy, not just "my holy book and deity don't like their kind". But at LEAST have the common decency to point out bad journalism when it's presented, JUST LIKE WE DO when the mainstream liberal media does it.


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