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Friday, September 13, 2013

Start-Up Maryland Seeks To Promote New Business

OCEAN CITY — The second annual Start-Up Maryland returned to Ocean City this week, beginning its next round of promoting the state’s entrepreneurs.

Businessmen and women are being invited throughout September to participate in Start-Up’s bus tour by visiting event stops to record a video pitch for their product or idea that could earn them a spot in the upcoming Invest Maryland Challenge. 

Start-Up Maryland got the full support of Worcester County and Ocean City Monday when the bus made the resort its first stop.
“In Ocean City, we thrive on our business community and the success of our local entrepreneurs,” said City Councilwoman Mary Knight. “If it weren’t for the talent, skills, creativity and innovation of our Maryland residents, we would not have the landmark business that you see in Ocean City today.”



  1. the adult store isnt feeling any love.

  2. I'm waiting to talk to Rick Perry

  3. This is a joke in Maryland. I'd rather apply for a business license in Moscow, but then again what's the difference? Saying that Maryland is business friendly is like saying that hell isn't hot!

  4. This is the same crap that was in Salisbury entertaining Jim Ireton and Jake Day. Jim Ireton and Jake Day? They seem to be everywhere together. Hey Laura how's your rectum feel because you have been screwed by Jimbeau!

  5. Pretty cool. Use (more) taxpayer funds to pay for a bunch of government workers to toy around the State in a motor home. Do people believe that by telling people to start a business will make them successful? Of course not. This is nothing more than a carnival sideshow.

  6. I'll go if Rick Perry has a table set up!

  7. To get a new small business loan in MD you have to be connected. Can my small business get a $1 million loan like the green turtle? Oh, and can I also have the terms that the loan is forgiven under several conditions? No, you have to have 20 locations and have multimillion owners to have this kind of deal. Sorry, folks, see you at happy hour,

  8. Again trying to paint a rosy picture where none exists!!! There isn't a landmark bussiness in ocean city. If it wasn't for the tourist there would be nothing in ocean city. The town is gifted a tourist trade because of the beach and they are screwing it up at every turn. Who in their right mind would in today's economy set up shop in a town with a 100 day season that is run down, overpriced, and overtaxed. The hey day of oc is long gone, and because of its foolishness may not ever return go its former glory. People want new, fresh, and clean . They don't want the same crap year after year. Oc could be an easy fix but ignorance Is bliss attitude shows no signs of letting up,


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