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Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Sandy’s ‘Freaky’ Path May Be Less Likely in Future

Man-made global warming may further lessen the likelihood of the freak atmospheric steering currents that last year shoved Superstorm Sandy due west into New Jersey, a new study says.

But don’t celebrate a rare beneficial climate change prediction just yet. The study’s authors said the once-in-700-years path was only one factor in the massive $50 billion killer storm. They said other variables such as sea level rise and stronger storms will worsen with global warming and outweigh changes in steering currents predicted by the study’s computer models.

“Sandy was an extremely unusual storm in several respects and pretty freaky. And some of those things that make it more freaky may happen less in the future,” said Columbia University atmospheric scientist Adam Sobel, co-author of a new study on Sandy. But Sobel quickly added: “There’s nothing to get complacent about coming out of this research.”



  1. We are more in danger than ever. With the increase in people of color which absorb heat aiding the reduction of ice on the poles.

  2. Them weathermen have said it was to cool down today and its hotter than blazes out here.

  3. This is one of the coldest years on record. And compare temps with the hockey-stick model Al Gore pimped out all those years. It doesn't fit at all!

    This is why "global warming" became "global change." The Earth's weather is influenced by more factors than we can name, understand, and quantify. So our models are junk at this point. While people can make coherent arguments with real data about whether the earth is warming, nobody can dispute that the weather changes because we feel this change minute by minute.

  4. This hurricane season is so incredibly intense, I'm wondering when all the death and destruction will end! Holy cow, it's bad! How many billions and billions in damage are we up to, and we still have 2 months of this to go!

    God help us all!

  5. "Man-made global warming" This is an onion article, right?

  6. With HAARP as a prime tool for the new world order expect more "freaky" storms to promote their global warming/climate change/BS.

  7. "Global Warming" is caused by all the gas spewing forth from whacko liberals mouths as they try to convince people that there actually IS global warming...they missed the fact that the Earth is actually in a cooling period...

  8. "Man made global warming"....
    That opening line negated the entire post.

  9. HAARP always seems to surface in climate discussions.Huge funding deficits sustained by that agency have caused HAARP to sabre rattle,for lack of a better term.Their actual effect on the weather has always been overrated.They are typically blamed for unusual weather patterns that they have virtually nothing to do with.I worked at HAARP in Gakona for 6 months.All the employees talked about was if they were going to remain open and if they were going to keep their jobs.That agency has been given way too much credit for doing absolutely nothing.


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