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Saturday, September 07, 2013

Rep. Alan Grayson: White House Manipulated Data To Support Syria Strike

Rep. Alan Grayson charged on Thursday that the Obama administration had manipulated intelligence to push its case for limited military strikes against Syrian President Bashar Assad in the country's civil war.

"The administration wants to flood the zone by excluding other information or points of view," the Florida Democrat told U.S. News & World Report. "I think that it is interesting that the administration consistently refers to Assad doing this and Assad doing that and Assad doing the other thing without giving the public any evidence to support the proposition that Assad has done anything."



  1. Obama Crooked MotorsSeptember 7, 2013 at 1:02 PM

    WOW. Now isnn't that supprising? Barry & Kerry manipulating and deceiving people, AGAIN,? That's a SHOCKER. Can someone say IMPEACHMENT?

  2. It's funny that the same majority who was behind Bush II in invading Iraq has suddenly found God because they can't stand Obama. Bunch of useless hypocrites!

  3. We are meeting at the Route 13 By-Pass over Route 50 on 09-11 for a "Over-Pass Impeachment" event...

  4. When is that event again, 456?


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