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Monday, September 09, 2013

Red States To Be Slammed By $12M Obamacare Ad Blitz

The White House is preparing to unleash a multimillion-dollar ad campaign in 13 red states at the end of the month designed to convince Americans to sign up for Obamacare insurance exchanges, Politico reported Thursday.

The states — Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Texas — will be inundated by the $12 million ad buy made by the Center for Medicare Services at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Every state but Missouri is led by a Republican governor, many of whom have made no secret of their disdain for Obamacare — and even in Missouri, a Republican-dominated legislature has set an anti-Obamacare agenda.



  1. Obama is stupid. I believe he is out just to piss people off. If that many states disdain the law, then why throw it back in their face? His mind set is that he is king and you do what I tell you. He and congress and some special interest groups are exempt, especially Muslims. If the law is good enough for us, then why not for everyone?

  2. Sit down clown. The law passed. Moved on. Common sense says to educate people on how it works, since it IS law now.

  3. The only clown is Obama. Everything he touches turns to crap. Now he's the laughing stock of the world and it couldn't happen to a better person. It's time you clowns faced the facts 5:53-he is an utter failure and always has been. The only reason he won was because the overwhelming majority of blacks voted for him (and we all know how messed up their culture and race is!) and whites who because they have insecurity issues and felt guilty.
    He a failure and you know it but will never admit it because only an immoral, dishonest nonprincipled person would ever support Obama.
    What do you expect though-just look at his family background-trash! Typical ghetto-runaround mother and raised by grandparents.

  4. Anonymous said...
    Sit down clown. The law passed. Moved on. Common sense says to educate people on how it works, since it IS law now

    What kind of Kool-Aid did you drink, and how many gallons? Just because it is the "law" does not make it a good law, a fair law, a just law...Do your research-- look at the rates people are going to have to pay--in some places, over a 100% increase-look at the staggering amount of jobs that are being cut to part time, or lost...people are losing their insuranceand look at the quality of care you will receive--much of it based on your AGE...the heath Nazi Sebelius pretty much summed it up with that little girl who needed the lung transplants--she simply said "some people die". You want that to be you or a family member? A bureaucrat decides on what health care you get, not your doctor. This "law" is an abomination. By just "moving on" you invite tyranny, which is exactly what we have.

  5. It's called propaganda. The fact that obamacare needs to be sold is proof that it's not good.
    Of course those like 5:53 will fall for it hook line and sinker because to them if the government says so it must be good. This is the result of a public education where forward thinking has all been lost.
    By and large every single democratic p0licy has been a failure. Look no further than the inner cites to see the proof.
    Unfortunately there are too many people around like 5:53 who are so stupid they think the government is looking out for them.
    It's just sad that those like 5:53 reproduce. They are spawning another generation of dependency.

  6. See how the federal government is throwing good money after bed!

    We have a bad law that is growing in unpopularity as the actual facts slowly come to light....meanwhile, the government wants to convince the naysayers that they are wrong in decrying the law.

    They should take that money and actually reduce the cost of the law...instead of lining someone else's pockets with ad money!

  7. And who is paying for this? It is unbelievable that a bankrupt government under "sekester" can piss away $12 million on commie propaganda and nobody bats an eye.

  8. "Anonymous said...
    Sit down clown. The law passed. Moved on. Common sense says to educate people on how it works, since it IS law now"

    I hope to hell you don't have children. What a piss poor example you are and the reason so many people have been reduced to nothing more than modern day slaves, living in cesspools of crime and povery with their putrid hands out salivating for the next pittance the government is going to throw at them.
    "Move on" you say-such intellect you display!
    YOu need to get your head out of others butts and stop being a follower. If everyone were like you and allowed themselves to be lead around by the nose everyone would be like the slaves on welfare and other entitlements.
    BTW-anyone with common sense knows it a bad unworkable law and that's why it has to be sold. And that's why it's being changed and modified everyday. You are such a good little slave though, taking up for your masters-LOL!


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