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Thursday, September 26, 2013

One Last Stand Against Obamacare

When Senator Ted Cruz took to the well of the United States Senate yesterday to begin his filibuster, he didn’t rise just for the sake of garnering headlines, he rose to stand athwart the onrush of Obamacare. Most of Cruz’s Senate colleagues headed for the hills, talking in hushed tones to any reporter who would listen about the “brazenness” and “incivility” of the junior Senator from Texas. They sneered. They sniped. They complained.

It was not too long ago that the party of Lincoln and Reagan was the party of limited government. Of course, that is still the official Republican Party line, but in practice, over the last decade, establishment Republicans have had a poor track record of standing firm and advocating for their principles. John McCain voted against the Bush tax cuts, and the establishment rewarded him with the nomination. Mitt Romney received the same reward after signing into law an individual mandate for health insurance.

Now, the establishment is at it again. Republicans, save for principled conservatives, have forgotten their roots and their function in Congress. While many Senate Republicans fail to act for fear of failing, Senator Ted Cruz stood apart. Republicans now have a choice between conveniently folding to political pressure or standing firm and holding true to their promises to work towards destroying Obamacare not merely in theory, but in practice.



  1. When are people going to wise up? History has proven that whenever the government (especially democrats) sticks it's nose into something it's a complete fiasco. When the democrats decided (at the urging of the mortgage industry) to tell everyone they were entitled to own a home, the end result was home prices fell dramatically.
    When they decided (at the urging of the banks who write the loans) that everyone was entitled to a college education we now have millions of graduates who think they are actually educated but aren't due to the necessity to lower the standards so everyone was accepted.
    When are the democratic voters going to grow a brain and see you all are nothing but a bunch of slaves to big businesses.

  2. Cruz is a self promoting wind bag and can take his green eggs and ham back to the BS diner


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