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Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Observing King Obama’s Syrian Madness

The road leading to King Obama’s now apparently inevitable, U.S.-led offensive war on Syria continues to be marked by some mighty ridiculous occurrences:

–Polls show more than 60-percent of Americans oppose the zany notion that there is a U.S. national-security interest in Syria that must be defended with a U.S.-initiated offensive war. Pray, guess which courageous American politician has stood up to champion the people’s adamant opposition to war? You are right, none. Oddly, only Vladimir Putin — admittedly for Russia-specific reasons — is on the same wavelength as most Americans regarding Syria, with them opposing an offensive war that will yield a worse disaster for the United States and the world than King Obama’s glorious Libyan war.

–Our heroic, if addled Knesset-member-wannabees McCain and Graham warn that if we do not do “something” about the Syrian regime’s chemical weapons, Asaad may well turn them over to terrorist groups. Interesting point, but only if you say it fast and do not ponder it. If we destroy Asaad’s regime in favor of the al-Qaeda-led Syrian opposition, won’t those unkempt Islamist laddies inherit Syria’s chemical-weapons arsenal? As night follows day, if the U.S.-led West destroys the Syrian regime, our highly intelligent King Obama will have succeeded in arming al-Qaeda and its allies with Asaad’s chemical weapons.



  1. If not Benghazi, why here?

  2. Absolutely mind numbing that the same people who cried out against war are getting us into war with Syria. Does anyone else see what is going on here? Syria is the last secular country. We are helping form the Calafate. After we use up our missiles who will save us?

  3. SYRIA? Really?
    Tens of thousands killed in the drug wars within yards of our southern border and this lame brain Democrat controlled Government wants us to believe Syria is more important to our security?
    What A/wipes.


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