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Friday, September 13, 2013



  1. This country cannot take care of itself ..let alone "everybody." Don't get me wrong... I like Ben Carson and the things that he stands for but this is a little off the wall.

  2. Okay, 243, so you're saying that the "death panels" are a good thing because we need to reduce the population? I mean, come out and say what you mean!

  3. as a victim of the screwed up medical system in this country I know how bad it is. The answer is not on the table, we need to scrap it and start over. 200.00 tylenol and 4000.00 for a ct scan..we need to set some standards, and not le the insurance company's decide what they will pay, so the numbers are a little more realistic. Dr. Ben Carson is right, this will not work

  4. 6:17 I said no such thing. I would LOVE to help the whole world if it were possible.. but how is it so? Tell me how we help "everybody." I can tell you that hospitals are already making choices and so are nursing homes..it is call morphine. No to death panels! Nobody is to stand in judgment on this earth but we still cannot help "everyone." If you can or have a plan.. please share it with all of us.

  5. Okay, 820, How about letting insurance companies compete nationwide. Then, since there is absolutely no reason for a paid layer of government bureaucrats "running" healthcare, get rid of Obamacare entirely. Back to private sector competition. Those two steps cut prices in HALF, period. Hospitals will have to collect what the insurance companies are paying, and still try to keep good doctors, thereby cutting out all their fat cat "Boards" of useless overlords.

    Then, Doctors happily get paid for good work, insurance companies are working competitively, and customers can shop where the want.

    So, there.


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