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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Obama Care Explained To The Simple Person

The following are 15 reasons why the Obamacare decision is a mind blowing disaster for America….

#1 According to the U.S. Supreme Court, the federal government has the power to force you to buy private goods and services. Now that this door has been opened, what else will we be forced to buy in the future?

#2 Obamacare is another step away from individual liberty and another step toward a “nanny state” where the government dominates our lives from the cradle to the grave.

#3 The IRS is now going to be given the task of hunting down and penalizing millions of Americans that do not have any health insurance. In fact, the Obama administration has given the IRS 500 million extra dollars “outside the normal appropriations process” to help them enforce the provisions of Obamacare that they are in charge of overseeing.

#4 Obamacare imposes more than 20 new taxes on the American people. You can find a comprehensive list of Obamacare taxes right here. If you love paying higher taxes, then you are going to absolutely love Obamacare once it is fully implemented.



  1. Do prisoners have to buy insurance too? How do you penalize them for not being able to afford insurance?

  2. That's funny. Jobs are scarce, insurance is unaffordable, and many Americans have no means to insure themselves. The gubments answer: make it illegal to not have insurance. Interesting!

  3. And minimum wage is low nobody can afford anything.

  4. The idiotic dems & libs that voted for this garbage will be the ones squealing the loudest when it hits them with high premiums and crappy heath care.

  5. If you are reading this on a computer in the public library you time is up. And we know that everyone can afford insurance.


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